(Specialist Orthopaedic Surgeon)

3 Mistakes Mothers Make In Treating Their Child’s Sports Injuries

You want your kids to stay in good health from the go. Great! But, in that department, your responsibilities stretch far beyond enrolling them in a sports academy. Kids sustain sports injuries often. Still under-developed and not strong enough, sprains, bruises, fractures, and concussions are common.

It’s your foremost task to ensure your little ones don’t sustain injuries in the first place through preventive measures. Next, when they do get injured, you must know what exactly needs to be done.

In that context, here are three mistakes the mothers make in treating their kids’ sports injuries:

1. Wasting Time In Home Remedies

When it comes to your kids, you don’t want to spend too much time on home remedies. Unlike the adults, they can’t exactly tell you how serious the problem feels. And if it’s really something serious, by delaying it from getting the right treatment, you’re only making the situation worse.

So, if your kids have sustained any sports injury, even when it “looks” something not serious, take them to a top orthopedic doctor in Kolkata. If you notice other symptoms like headaches, dizziness, slurred speech, and loss of balance, show more urgency.

2. Not Picking The Right Doctor

This is quite common. In reality, when your kid has sustained any sports injury, you want to take them to an orthopedic doctor that specializes in sports injuries and with kids –not someone who’s known as the best spine surgeon in Lake Town.

So, do thorough research to pick a specialist that has extensive experience in pediatrics; someone who knows how to effectively deal with sports injuries. Not that a generic orthopedic professional can’t handle such cases. But you’re more likely to find better treatment at the specialists. Moreover, if there’s something serious, you would anyway be recommended to a specialist.

3. Losing their patience often

The test isn’t just for the kids but also for the parents. When they are injured, it could be quite overwhelming for the mothers. The treatment might be a bit discomforting at the beginning. Plus, no matter the kind of injury, it would require a significant recovery period.

Owing to the kids’ frequent mood changes, additional demands and lack of effective care for the injury – getting frustrated is given. But during such tough times, it’s essential that you keep your patience and maintain composure. You have to take care of them. So, you must be in the right frame of mind.


These are three very common mistakes the mothers make during the treatment and recovery of their kids’ sports injuries. Don’t be one of them.

It could be disheartening to see your little one like this. But understand that she/he is brave enough – and so should you.

Direction:- https://g.page/dr-manoj-kumar-khemani