
What Can You Do Every Day to Keep Your Bones Healthy?

You’ll thank yourself tomorrow for caring about your orthopedic health today.

The health of your bones and joints affects your mobility, and thereby the quality of your life. So, it’s critical you take proper care of them.

Fortunately, there are small steps that you can take daily to improve your bones’ strength and keep your orthopedic health intact.

Here are a few things you can do every day to keep your bones healthy:

1. Get enough calcium

It’s important to get plenty of calcium in your diet, which helps your bones stay strong and healthy.

You can get it from milk, cheese, and yogurt, but also from fortified foods like cereals, bread, and so on.

In short, ensure you’re eating food every day that provides you with enough calcium.

2. Get enough vitamin D

Vitamin D is needed for the body to absorb calcium, so it’s important that you get enough sun exposure each day to make sure you get enough vitamin D.

If you live in an area where there are few sunny days during the winter months, talk to your doctor about taking a supplement or applying sun cream instead.

3. Work out regularly

It’s well known that regular exercise reduces the risk of osteoporosis (a condition where bones become fragile).

Regular activity also helps keep muscles strong and supple, which protects against falls and other injuries that can be dangerous for people with osteoporosis or other health problems such as arthritis.

So, join your local gym; especially for strength training. Wake up early every morning and visit that local park to walk and do light workouts.

4. Eat protein-rich food

Protein is important for building and repairing bones. A diet rich in protein can help to keep your bones strong. It also helps promote muscle growth and development, which is important for building strong bones.

The best sources of protein are lean meat, fish, poultry, beans, and milk products. Make sure your daily diet includes these items.

5. Stop smoking

Smoking has been shown to lead to osteoporosis and increased risk of fractures. People who smoke are more likely to suffer from osteoporosis than nonsmokers. If you smoke, consider quitting immediately.

If you’re not ready to quit yet, try to cut down on the number of cigarettes you smoke each day or switch to an alternative form of tobacco such as e-cigarettes or cigars that do not contain tobacco leaves or chemicals.

Get professional help if quitting smoking seems very difficult.

6. Limit your caffeine and alcohol intake

Caffeine may cause osteoporosis by affecting cell growth and the body’s ability to absorb calcium and phosphorous from food sources.

Alcohol can also increase your risk for osteoporosis if consumed in large amounts over time or if consumed regularly and particularly during periods of rapid growth such as adolescence.

So, audit how much caffeine and alcohol your body is getting every day. Limit the quantity.

7. Consult an orthopedic doctor

You don’t have to wait for your knee to go worse before you connect with the best knee replacement surgeon in Kolkata.

Meaning: don’t wait for something bad to happen to consult a specialist. Visit the best orthopedic doctor in Kolkata for regular checkups. Seek their advice and recommendations on what you can do every day to improve the health of your bones and joints.

Final words

These are some of the things you can do daily (and recurringly for the last point) to intact your orthopedic health.

Degradation in the condition of bones and joints is gradual. Even if your orthopedic health isn’t good, you won’t necessarily notice it until it gets worse. So, pay attention to your orthopedic health and take prompt measures as needed.



Winter and Arthritis: 7 Tips for Pain Relief

If you’re dealing with arthritis and looking for the best arthritis treatment in Kolkata, it’s essential to understand how the weather can affect your joints. Cold and dry air can make your joint pain worse, especially if you already have conditions like rheumatoid arthritis or osteoarthritis.

Living in places with cold winters means you need to take extra care of your joints. Here are seven simple tips to help you manage arthritis pain and enjoy the season more in India.

Cold air and dry air can make your joints hurt more easily by causing inflammation in your tendons and ligaments. This is especially true if you have a condition that puts extra stress on your joints like rheumatoid arthritis or osteoarthritis.

People with arthritis who live in places with cold winters may need to take extra steps to protect their joints from the elements.

Here are seven tips for people with arthritis to manage their pain and have a great season:

Keep yourself warm

In winter, it is hard to stay warm due to the cold weather. The best way to keep yourself warm is to wear a hat, gloves, and a scarf around your neck. These will help you stay warm when you are outside. Also, get some extra layers of clothing if you feel that you are too cold.

Get enough vitamin D

Vitamin D is essential for healthy bones and muscles, as well as immunity and inflammation. Now, you might be getting enough vitamin D in the summertime, but during winter months it can get quite dark out at night so getting outside is not as easy as it was in the summertime. Getting enough vitamin D through food sources such as eggs and milk or supplements is important during this time of year too!

Stay active and exercise

Regular exercise can help you manage your symptoms of arthritis better than any drug; it’s especially important if you have stiff joints or are recovering from an injury or surgery. If you’re not sure how much exercise is right for you, talk with your doctor or physical therapist about safe ways to start moving more often — whether it’s using a stationary bike at home or signing up for a class at the gym.

Intake omega-3 fatty acids

Omega-3 fatty acids can benefit arthritis patients by reducing inflammation. It helps the body’s own processes of healing and repair, which is important for arthritis patients. Omega-3s are found in fish such as salmon, tuna, and sardines, as well as flax seed oil and hemp seeds.

Book massage appointment

Massage therapy has been shown to relieve pain and stiffness in people with arthritis. It also helps improve mobility, reduces swelling, and improves sleep quality. If you’re unable to get massages at home, consider booking one through a local spa or salon that offers massage therapy services. Consider asking about the cost of each session before scheduling one so you can budget for it properly.

Keep your diet healthy

A diet high in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains are known for reducing inflammation throughout the body. Choose foods rich in antioxidants like fruits and vegetables; lean meat; fish, poultry, and whole grains; and low-fat dairy products like milk, yogurt, and cheese.

Consult an orthopedic doctor

If you have a history of arthritis symptoms getting worse during winter, consulting an orthopedic doctor head-on will help. Reach out to an experienced doctor and seek the best arthritis treatment in Kolkata. The best rheumatoid arthritis treatment Kolkata may include lifestyle changes, medications, and other interventions in case the symptoms worsen. Discuss all the options with your doctor.

Final words

Winter doesn’t have to be bad for people with arthritis. Proper care and preparation can help you effectively manage the symptoms and maximum comfort throughout the season. The above-mentioned are a few essential tips that will help you stay on the right course.

Dr. Manoj K Khemani

Dr Manoj Kumar Khemani

Meet Dr. Manoj K Khemani, the Best Orthopedic Surgeon in Kolkata. With a stellar reputation for expert orthopedic care, Dr. Khemani delivers top-notch treatments and surgical solutions for bone and joint health. Trust in his expertise for a pain-free, active life.

He has over 15 years of experience in treating various forms of arthritis in joints. Meet him for best arthritis treatment in Kolkata.


Dr. Khemani’s Clinic :


What is the Most Effective Treatment for Fibromyalgia?

A chronic disorder, fibromyalgia causes widespread muscle pain and tenderness. The pain is often worse at night, but it may be mild during the day. The pain can be so severe that you cannot sleep. It may also cause headaches, depression, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), anxiety, and tingling in your hands or feet.

Fibromyalgia usually has no known cause. Fibromyalgia can occur in any age group and is more common in women than men. However, fibromyalgia can occur at any age and is not necessarily related to age or gender.

Fibromyalgia Diagnosis

There are several ways to diagnose fibromyalgia. The most common is a medical interview with your doctor. Your doctor will ask questions about your symptoms, medical history, and current medications. You may also have tests ordered to rule out other possible medical conditions.

Other tests that can be used include:

  1. Blood tests – Blood tests can help rule out other causes of chronic pain, such as lupus or an autoimmune disorder (for example, rheumatoid arthritis).
  2. X-ray – It may show damage to bones or soft tissues in the body (soft tissue refers to muscles and organs). Fibromyalgia is associated with pain in the joints and muscles, but not all cases involve these problems. X-rays also may find other conditions that cause pain in the joints and muscles.
  3. MRI – It can detect injuries and tumors that might not show up on standard x-rays or CT scans. It can also help rule out neurological conditions.

Fibromyalgia treatment

The good news is that fibromyalgia is treatable. (Although, there’s no cure!) A combination of medications and physical therapy can lead to significant improvement in symptoms, even if you are still experiencing pain.

Lifestyle change

Lifestyle changes are the first treatment that should be implemented when dealing with fibromyalgia. Lifestyle changes include exercise, diet, stress management and sleep hygiene. Exercise helps to alleviate pain and improve physical functioning. It also improves mood and increases energy levels. Exercising can also help reduce stress levels, which can be another contributing factor to fibromyalgia symptoms.

When it comes to diet, a healthy diet low in sodium and saturated fats can help reduce inflammation in the body and reduce pain levels from fibromyalgia. A healthy diet includes lots of vegetables, fruits, and whole grains as well as lean meats and low-fat dairy products like skim milk or yogurt. You should avoid foods high in sugar or sodium such as processed foods like bread or pastries or fried foods like French fries or other fast foods.

Stress management is another important aspect of treating fibromyalgia symptoms because stress can make them worse by increasing inflammation levels in your body. Stress management techniques include positive thinking strategies such as breathing exercises, meditation, or yoga; learning how to relax through progressive muscle relaxation (PMR); using relaxation tapes; practicing mindfulness meditation; doing expressive writing exercises; talking with supportive friends or family members.

  • Physical therapy

Physical therapy can help people with fibromyalgia get rid of their pain and stiffness more quickly. It also helps them regain strength and flexibility in their muscles, which makes it easier to move around and do things that you need to do every day, such as getting dressed or feeding yourself. Physical therapy may include gentle stretching exercises and strengthening exercises, such as those used with weight machines or exercise balls that you can use at home. Physical therapists often work with patients one-on-one to develop specific exercises they can do at home on their own.

  • Medications

You may be prescribed medications to treat fibromyalgia. These include antidepressants, anticonvulsants, and pain relievers. Medication treatment often includes using a combination of two or more drugs. The goal is to reduce the number of symptoms you feel and improve your quality of life.

Final words

If you have fibromyalgia, it’s important to talk to your doctor about the best treatment for you. Your doctor may ask about your symptoms, how often they occur and whether they come on suddenly or gradually. A physical exam and blood tests may also be done to help find out if you have other medical conditions that could be causing your symptoms.

In addition to recommending lifestyle changes, your doctor will probably start by recommending a trial of one or more medications to see which works best for you. You may need to take these medicines long-term because they don’t cure fibromyalgia but they can relieve some of its symptoms.

Consult the best orthopedic doctor in Kolkata and start with the right treatment plan.

Overall, take better care of your orthopedic health. Reach out to specialists if you have any problems. For instance, if you’re experiencing knee problems, consult the best knee replacement surgeon in Kolkata. In the end, your orthopedic health will define the quality of your life.



Hip Replacement Surgery: 7 Mistakes to Avoid During Recovery

The recovery period after hip replacement surgery is not the same for everyone. Some people are able to return to their normal activities within a few weeks, while others are not able to walk at all until months later.

It is important to understand that each person’s recovery process is unique, and as such, there are some common mistakes that can be made during this time.

The following are seven mistakes to avoid during the recovery period post-hip replacement surgery:

Pushing yourself too much

You’ll be advised to walk as much as possible in the first few days after surgery, but this is something you should do slowly and carefully. If you’re walking too fast or too far, it’s likely to cause pain and discomfort. It’s best to take it easy for at least a week after surgery until your muscles have healed and the swelling has gone down.

Not doing physiotherapy

Physiotherapy, also known as physical therapy, is an important part of recovery after hip replacement surgery. This will help strengthen your muscles and joints around the injured area and improve how they function together. It can also help improve the range of motion and flexibility in your hips and legs so that they’re ready for any activity you want to start doing again once you’ve recovered from your operation.

Ignoring red flags

Following the surgery, your doctor will brief you about the signs that you should look out for in the recovery phase and what you can do to address these red flags. Make sure you follow up with prompt actions in case you notice or experience anything wrong.

Not taking the right medications

The first few days post-surgery are critical. You need to take painkillers and muscle relaxants, as well as antibiotics if you’ve had an infection in the hip socket. It’s also important to drink plenty of water and rest as much as possible so that you can recover faster.

Not following up on your post-operative instructions

The doctors who perform hip replacement surgery usually give patients instructions on how to take care of themselves after their surgeries. If you fail to follow these instructions, then there is a chance that complications could arise during recovery. This can lead to additional hospital stays and additional expenses for medical care.

Having poor eating habits

If you’re not a fan of healthy foods, this is the perfect time to change your ways. Your body needs fuel after surgery and it’s important that you provide it with the right nutrients. A good diet should include plenty of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains.

Not keeping up with doctor’s appointments

It’s easy to get distracted by other things during recovery from hip replacement surgery. If you’re not following up with your doctor, it could delay your recovery or even lead to complications later on. It’s also important to keep in touch with your surgeon so they can monitor how you’re doing post-surgery.

Have questions?

If you have any questions, reach out to the best hip replacement surgeon in Kolkata. Hip replacement is a safe procedure today. The success rate is much higher. If you’re experiencing hip problems, talk to the best orthopedic surgeon in Kolkata and plan out the surgery.



6 Reasons You Should Consider Knee Replacement Surgery

“What are the signs of needing a knee replacement?”

This is a common question people with knee problems often Google.

Whether or not you need this procedure can only be answered by the best knee replacement surgeon in Kolkata. (For instance, even if you’re the right candidate for knee replacement, other risk factors may create a situation where you’re better off without the surgery.)

That said, here are six reasons why you should consider knee replacement surgery:

Constant or recurring pain

One of the most common reasons for surgery is chronic or constant pain. This can be caused by arthritis, ligament tears, and even bone spurs. If you experience ongoing discomfort in your knee joint, this may be a sign that it’s time to consider the option of knee replacement surgery.

Lack of mobility

If you have arthritis in your knee joint and can’t perform some activities because of it, then knee replacement surgery may be right for you. The surgery can help restore function and mobility to your knees so that you can do things like walk without pain or participate fully in daily activities like gardening or golfing.

Other treatment options have failed

There are a few other treatments for knee pain, but they don’t always work. So, if you have tried options like medications, arthroscopy, and physical therapy and there’s still no relief in your knee pain, knee replacement might be your last resort.

Knee problems affecting the quality of life

Your knees help you walk, run, jump and climb. In addition to providing support for your legs, they also play an important role in your body’s overall health. If there is an issue with your knee joint, it can prevent you from doing many daily activities that are essential to your well-being. This can subsequently impact the quality of your life.

Always swollen

If you have a knee that’s swollen, the problem is not just arthritis. It’s also due to fluid buildup in your knees and legs. A swollen knee is a sign of deep-seated inflammation of the joint because it is likely due to an underlying condition that can’t be cured with medication.

Evident knee deformity

When you have a deformity in your knee, it is time to see a doctor. A degenerative condition like arthritis causes the cartilage in the knee to wear out over time and form cartilage lesions. These lesions can cause additional pain and inflammation if not treated properly.

Final words

Knee replacement surgery helps relieve stress. With this procedure, surgeons replace the damaged ends of your bones with metal or plastic components (prostheses). The prostheses are attached to the bone, so they don’t cause any further damage to it. In addition, they can help improve flexibility and range of motion in your knee.

In all, talk to the best orthopedic doctor in Kolkata and discuss with them whether or not knee replacement is the right fit for you.



8 Tips to Recover After ACL Surgery Faster

When you have ACL surgery, you can expect to spend a lot of time resting, rehabilitating and recovering. Not only that, but it can also be a painful experience.

So, it’s important to have a proper understanding of ACL surgery recovery, in addition to getting the best ligament treatment in Kolkata post-surgery.

Here are eight tips to recover after ACL surgery faster and more effectively:

Manage your pain

The first step to recovering from ACL surgery is managing the pain. You may feel it in your knee, hip, and ankle. Generally, you can take over-the-counter pain medications such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen to help reduce swelling and inflammation in the joint. However, if you’re experiencing severe pain, see your doctor for an evaluation and treatment options.

Go to physical therapy

Physical therapy can help speed up the healing process by strengthening muscles that support your knee and helping them recover from injury. Also, it helps improve balance, flexibility, coordination, and proprioception (the sense of where one’s body parts are in relation to each other). While most people can complete their rehab on their own at home, going through physical therapy sessions with an experienced professional can be beneficial in speeding up recovery time.

Walk more

In order for you to fully recover from ACL surgery, you need to walk more often than usual while using crutches or a walker. Walking will strengthen the muscles around your knee and improve circulation within them. It will also increase blood flow throughout your entire body which helps prevent swelling and further injury.

Stay in touch with your doctor

If you’ve had surgery, it’s important to keep in touch with your doctor. You don’t want any surprises when you’re recovering from ACL surgery. If anything seems off — or if you have any questions — ask them. Your surgeon may be able to answer some questions that you didn’t even know to ask!

Sleep and eat right

Sleeping properly is vital for recovery from ACL reconstruction surgery. Your body needs adequate rest and sleep to heal, which helps reduce swelling and discomfort. Similarly, it’s important to eat right after ACL surgery so that your body can begin the healing process. This means sticking to a healthy diet low in simple sugars and high in protein, vitamins, and minerals. It also means avoiding foods that would increase swelling and inflammation in the days following surgery.

Reduce swelling

One of the biggest things that can slow down recovery is swelling in the affected area. If you have any kind of swelling, try wearing compression socks or other types of bandages, as well as applying ice. It’s also a good idea to drink plenty of water throughout the day so that dilution can occur naturally and reduce swelling even more.

Don’t rush and be patient

The best way to speed up your recovery is to take it slow. This means no strenuous activity for the first 6 weeks after surgery, and then only at low intensity for the next 2-3 months. If you rush the process and try to do too much too soon, you could end up doing more harm than good.

Rest more

Rest is also very important for healing a torn ACL. Resting your muscles will help them contract back to their normal strength, which will help with moving around again sooner. It’s also important to avoid overexerting yourself while you’re healing, as this can cause additional damage that could slow down your recovery even more than usual.

Final words

The best arthroscopy treatment in Kolkata requires a proper recovery phase to ensure you’re back to your good orthopedic health adequately. Past surgery, many people get careless, which delays their recovery and makes the experience even more discomforting. So, if you just had your ACL surgery, make sure you’re taking proactive steps for faster recovery.



7 Essential Nutrients for Bone Health

Bone health is a huge topic and there are many nutrients that can help you combat the issues associated with aging in the bones. However, with so much information about bone health, choosing the right nutrients for your specific needs can be confusing. This blog post will highlight some of the most important nutrients for bone health and how each one helps in some way.

1. Calcium

Calcium is a key nutrient for bone health. It’s an essential mineral that helps maintain strong bones and teeth, connective tissues, and muscle function. Calcium also helps maintain healthy blood pressure and heart rhythm by keeping arteries flexible, muscles strong, and nerves connected. Milk, cheese, and green leafy vegetables are the best sources of calcium.

2. Vitamin D

Vitamin D is an essential nutrient that is important for bone health. It supports normal calcium absorption to build healthy bones and teeth. Vitamin D also supports the body’s ability to absorb calcium from foods while promoting healthy bones by increasing parathyroid hormone levels (PTH). This hormone helps regulate calcium levels in the body by stimulating the release of calcium from its storage sites in bones. Sunlight is the best source of vitamin D.

3. Vitamin K

Vitamin K helps facilitate the transport of vitamin D through the bloodstream into cells where it can be used for bone formation or other functions within the body such as blood clotting or cellular growth. Vitamin K is found in leafy green vegetables like kale, spinach, and collard greens. It also occurs naturally in many other foods, including meats and dairy products.

4. Magnesium

Magnesium is a mineral that plays an important role in the formation and maintenance of bones. This mineral helps to maintain bone density, reduces the risk of osteoporosis and osteopenia (the loss of bone density), and is also essential for healthy blood pressure levels. Magnesium is found in whole grains, nuts, and seeds, leafy greens such as spinach, kale, and collard greens, dark chocolate, buckwheat flour, and avocados. Magnesium may be acquired from food sources alone or from supplements.

5. Phosphorus

Phosphorus is an important mineral that helps with the formation of strong bones. It also helps to regulate calcium metabolism and maintain the pH balance in your body’s cells. Phosphorus is found in most foods but especially in dairy products like cheese, yogurt, kefir, and milk. You can also get phosphorus through many green vegetables like broccoli, spinach, kale, and collard greens.

6. Potassium

Potassium is another nutrient that’s essential for bone health. Potassium works to help maintain proper fluid balance in the body, which can help prevent osteoporosis and other conditions related to poor hydration levels such as kidney stones and muscle cramps.

7. Zinc

The mineral zinc is required to form the protein collagen, which is essential for healthy bones and teeth. Zinc also plays a role in wound healing and wound protection, as well as maintaining healthy cell growth and division. You can get zinc from many different sources, including seafood, beans, nuts, and seeds. It’s also found in many foods that come packaged in cans or jars (like beans or cereal).

Final words

If you’re experiencing orthopedic health problems, it’s important to seek professional help. Reach out to the best orthopedic doctor in Kolkata and discuss with them your issues. They can help you with the right treatment, as well as recommend the right diet and supplements for long-term orthopedic health benefits. For instance, if you have RA, you need the best rheumatoid arthritis treatment Kolkata, which would include medications, in addition to dietary/lifestyle changes, like increasing your intake of essential nutrients.



Types of Hip Replacement: A Quick Guide

The hip joint is one of the most important joints in your body, and it’s also one that can cause you a whole lot of pain.

Hip replacement is a surgical procedure that involves replacing the damaged parts of your hip with artificial ones. It’s also called an arthroplasty. Hip replacement can help people who have severe arthritis and wear-and-tear on their hips. It may also be used to treat other conditions, such as (i) fractures in the bone above or below your hip; (ii) damage to the cartilage around your hip joint; (iii) a painful hip fracture.

There are three types of hip replacement surgeries: Total hip replacement, partial hip replacement, and hip resurfacing.

Total Hip Replacement

The total hip replacement is a surgical procedure that replaces both the head and neck of the femur with artificial components. The procedure is also known as THA or total hip arthroplasty.

The anatomy of the hip joint makes it particularly vulnerable to dislocation and fracture. The head of the femur can slip out of its socket, which can lead to pain and instability in the lower body. The head of the femur also has a large surface area, which means it can wear down over time due to friction with other bone fragments.

Total hip replacement repairs these problems by replacing worn-out surfaces with new ones made from metal or plastic material. The new surface usually has smoother contours than those that were worn away by wear and tear, which reduces friction and prevents further damage to surrounding bones while they heal.

Partial hip replacement

Partial hip replacement is an option for people who have severe arthritis in their hips and need better mobility. It’s a type of joint replacement surgery that replaces only the damaged portion of your hip joint.

For this procedure, a surgeon removes some of the damaged bone and cartilage from your hip socket, then replaces them with artificial material. This can reduce pain and help improve function by making it easier to move around.

With a partial hip replacement, surgeons usually replace the ball-and-socket portion of your hip joint with metal or ceramic pieces that are designed to fit best into the existing socket. The goal is to restore a normal range of motion and provide relief from pain caused by conditions like arthritis.

Hip resurfacing

Hip resurfacing is a common orthopedic procedure that can be performed to relieve arthritis and decrease hip pain. It involves removing a small piece of bone from the top of your hip joint (cremation), which is then reshaped into a more natural shape.

The purpose of hip resurfacing surgery is to reshape the head of your thigh bone (femur) so it fits better within your pelvis. This reduces the amount of stress placed on your hip joint, making it less likely to get injured. In addition, it helps prevent arthritis in the future by reducing inflammation in your joints and reducing pain.

Need more information?

Get in touch with the best hip replacement surgeon to learn more about the procedure. If you’re noticing symptoms in your hips that may require surgical intervention, consult a doctor first. Connect with a bone specialist doctor in Kolkata for a thorough diagnosis. Based on their assessment, they can let you know whether or not you need hip replacement surgery.



How Can You Stop Arthritis? (Part 2/2)

Read part one: How Can You Stop Arthritis? (Part 1/2)

Address the Risk Factors that Can be Controlled

There are several ways to stop arthritis. One of the best is to maintain a healthy weight. As mentioned, being overweight or obese is one of the main risk factors for developing arthritis.

Another way to prevent arthritis is to keep your bones strong and healthy by doing regular exercise and avoiding overuse injuries that can weaken your bones. If you have had an injury, see your doctor immediately.

Also, avoid smoking, which can damage your blood vessels, joints, and other organs. Alcohol can make symptoms worse, especially if you have a condition such as rheumatoid arthritis or ankylosing spondylitis (a type of inflammatory arthritis).

Some people with rheumatoid arthritis may benefit from taking nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as ibuprofen (Advil) or naproxen sodium (Aleve). Consult a doctor and seek the best rheumatoid arthritis treatment Kolkata.

Surgery is sometimes needed to treat severe cases of arthritic joint problems in your fingers, wrists, or ankles — particularly if surgery will help restore function that has been lost due to damage to an arthritic joint over time.

Additional treatments

In addition to controlling the mentioned risk factors, there are several other treatment options you may have to try if your symptoms are evident.

The treatment of arthritis can vary depending on the type and severity of the condition. For example, if your doctor thinks you have inflammatory arthritis such as rheumatoid arthritis or gout, they might prescribe medications to reduce inflammation and help your body heal.

If your doctor has diagnosed you with osteoarthritis, they might recommend physical therapy to strengthen your muscles and joints. Osteoporosis is a common condition that can lead to osteoarthritis later in life. Your doctor may also recommend exercise and weight-bearing exercises such as walking and swimming to help prevent this condition from developing.

Your doctor might also recommend pain medications for joint pain caused by osteoarthritis or other conditions like rheumatoid arthritis, gout, or lupus that cause joint pain. In some cases, corticosteroids are used to reduce swelling in joints with severe damage caused by arthritis.

Some people with severe osteoarthritis may need surgery to remove damaged cartilage from their knees or hips so that they can walk again without pain.

Final words

Some people may have just one type of arthritis, while others may have more than one type of arthritis at the same time.

As with other chronic illnesses, you can’t just wish it away or hope that it will go away on its own. You need to take steps to help manage your arthritis symptoms and reduce damage to your joints.

In case you’re noticing the symptoms of this disease, reach out to a specialist and start the best arthritis treatment in Kolkata; the sooner the better.
