How to Build Strong Knees?

Imagine not being able to walk (and enjoy). That’s what many people – especially those in their late years – struggle with. And that’s what you might end up with if you don’t start taking better care of your knees.

Knee problems can be serious, affecting not just your mobility but also your overall lifestyle.

So, it’s important that you heed to your knees’ health right from the early years when you do feel fine. Because pain, lack of flexibility, and lack of strength in your knees won’t happen suddenly. It’s an accumulated result of years of negligence and improper care.

The question then comes: How do you build strong knees?

Here’s the answer in five tips:

1. Start Working Out

If you want to strengthen your muscles and joints, you have to put them at work.

Working out releases several hormones, which go on to build the mass and size of the muscles.It conditions your bones and joints to be more resilient. It makes you less prone to orthopedic injuries.

So, to build stronger knees, you have to work out.

2. Focus on “relevant” Exercises

Now, when you’re building knees’ strength and flexibility, there are a few types of exercises that you should focus more on.

Basic stretches and the post-workout regimen should include toe touch, standing hamstring stretch, and quadricepsstretch. Exercises like calf raise, as well as other forms of leg raises, squats, lunges, hip bridge, and hamstring curls can be great for your knees.

There are countless videos on this topic; pick a reliable source and follow their instructions. Although, you’re highly recommended to consult a professional trainer when it comes to outlining your workout routine.

3. Fix Your Diet

Your bones and joints need a certain type of diet that enables their strength.

If you’re gorging on unhealthy foods, your orthopedic health – along with overall health – will inevitably go bad.

For one, to build stronger knees, your body needs more calcium and vitamin D. So, do get enough sunlight every day. Increase the intake of foods that are rich in calcium.

Protein is equally important. Add more of protein-rich items to your everyday meals.

Start making changes to what you eat and progressively adopt a healthier diet.

4. Wear The Right Gear

This is especially if you’re into sports.

If you play any sport, make sure you have the right gears (like braces) that protect your knees – as well as provide protection against any kind of other injuries.

Getting injured regularly, even when the injuries heal, can be bad for your orthopedic health.

5. Don’t Ignore The Little Nothings

That mild knee pain you occasionally feel – what is that?

That discomfort in your knees you experience when walking uphill – why is that?

Many people are in a habit of brushing off their basic knee pain. Of course, often, such pain is temporary and not critical.

However, at times, it could signal something serious. If you experience such instances when your knees hurt – even if the pain is only mild – don’t ignore that.

Visit a knee specialist in Kolkata and get it checked. Google “top 10 orthopedic surgeon in India”, find an experienced name, and consult them.


The mentioned are five basic tips on how to strengthen your knees.

Even if you’re just in your 20s and 30s, you should start taking better care of your orthopedic health so to ensure when you get old, you’re fit and healthy.

Knee problems can obstruct your lifestyle. You want to take all the measures to avoid these “problems” as you age.

