
Which Doctor I Should Prefer for Ligament Injury?

Sprains can strike unexpectedly, causing pain and discomfort. Whether it’s a minor inconvenience or a more severe injury, seeking professional care is crucial for a quick recovery. In Kolkata, finding the right orthopedic doctor can be challenging, but the following steps will help you make an informed choice.

1. Understanding Sprains and the Need for Professional Care:

Sprains can occur in everyday situations, and they vary in severity. Professional medical attention is essential for effective treatment and recovery.

2. Finding the Best Ligament Doctor in Kolkata:

To get the best care for your sprain, it’s essential to locate an experienced orthopedic specialist. They can diagnose your condition accurately and provide the right treatment plan.

3. Prioritizing Experience Over Cost:

Don’t make cost your primary concern when choosing an orthopedic doctor. The experience of the doctor should be your main focus for successful recovery.

4. Specialization Matters:

Specialization in treating ligament injuries is crucial when seeking treatment for your sprain. Not all orthopedic doctors have the same expertise, so choose wisely.

5. Establishing a Comfortable Doctor-Patient Relationship:

Effective communication and a good rapport with your orthopedic doctor are key factors in your recovery. Ensure you’re comfortable and can convey your needs clearly.

6. Consider the Location:

While experience is essential, the location of your doctor’s clinic also plays a vital role. Opt for a doctor who is conveniently located and accessible via transportation options.

7. Preparing in Advance for Future Needs:

Planning ahead can be a lifesaver when a sprain occurs. Having a trusted orthopedic doctor in mind, even when you’re not in immediate need, is a smart strategy.

In summary, sprains are common injuries, and finding the best orthopedic doctor in Kolkata can ensure a smooth and swift recovery. Prioritize experience, specialization, and a comfortable doctor-patient relationship, while considering the location for easy access to care. Planning ahead for potential injuries can save you time and discomfort in the future.




How to Build Strong Knees?

Imagine not being able to walk (and enjoy). That’s what many people – especially those in their late years – struggle with. And that’s what you might end up with if you don’t start taking better care of your knees.

Knee problems can be serious, affecting not just your mobility but also your overall lifestyle.

So, it’s important that you heed to your knees’ health right from the early years when you do feel fine. Because pain, lack of flexibility, and lack of strength in your knees won’t happen suddenly. It’s an accumulated result of years of negligence and improper care.

The question then comes: How do you build strong knees?

Here’s the answer in five tips:

1. Start Working Out

If you want to strengthen your muscles and joints, you have to put them at work.

Working out releases several hormones, which go on to build the mass and size of the muscles.It conditions your bones and joints to be more resilient. It makes you less prone to orthopedic injuries.

So, to build stronger knees, you have to work out.

2. Focus on “relevant” Exercises

Now, when you’re building knees’ strength and flexibility, there are a few types of exercises that you should focus more on.

Basic stretches and the post-workout regimen should include toe touch, standing hamstring stretch, and quadricepsstretch. Exercises like calf raise, as well as other forms of leg raises, squats, lunges, hip bridge, and hamstring curls can be great for your knees.

There are countless videos on this topic; pick a reliable source and follow their instructions. Although, you’re highly recommended to consult a professional trainer when it comes to outlining your workout routine.

3. Fix Your Diet

Your bones and joints need a certain type of diet that enables their strength.

If you’re gorging on unhealthy foods, your orthopedic health – along with overall health – will inevitably go bad.

For one, to build stronger knees, your body needs more calcium and vitamin D. So, do get enough sunlight every day. Increase the intake of foods that are rich in calcium.

Protein is equally important. Add more of protein-rich items to your everyday meals.

Start making changes to what you eat and progressively adopt a healthier diet.

4. Wear The Right Gear

This is especially if you’re into sports.

If you play any sport, make sure you have the right gears (like braces) that protect your knees – as well as provide protection against any kind of other injuries.

Getting injured regularly, even when the injuries heal, can be bad for your orthopedic health.

5. Don’t Ignore The Little Nothings

That mild knee pain you occasionally feel – what is that?

That discomfort in your knees you experience when walking uphill – why is that?

Many people are in a habit of brushing off their basic knee pain. Of course, often, such pain is temporary and not critical.

However, at times, it could signal something serious. If you experience such instances when your knees hurt – even if the pain is only mild – don’t ignore that.

Visit a knee specialist in Kolkata and get it checked. Google “top 10 orthopedic surgeon in India”, find an experienced name, and consult them.


The mentioned are five basic tips on how to strengthen your knees.

Even if you’re just in your 20s and 30s, you should start taking better care of your orthopedic health so to ensure when you get old, you’re fit and healthy.

Knee problems can obstruct your lifestyle. You want to take all the measures to avoid these “problems” as you age.




Love Playing Sports? Here’s How To Avoid Ligament Injuries

Athletes are more prone to injuries. But they don’t have to be. There’s a reason why the majority of the professional sports persons, despite being aggressive in training and during play, do not get injured regularly. Of course, many of these athletes do get the world-class facility, physiotherapists, and healthcare experts who ensure they are fit. Not everyone can afford such an infrastructure. But in addition, they also do a lot of things that keep them protected against injuries. If you’re into sports, you can follow their suit to avoid injuries, especially ligament sprain, which is more common.

Understand Your Body’s Needs And Requirements

Interestingly, it doesn’t exactly involve anything out of the box. The basic care and preventive measures can take you a long way in keeping safe from injuries. For example, it’s a common knowledge that you’re more at risk if you’re unnecessarily pushing yourself beyond the threshold. So, being easy on yourself and your body is the most fundamental rule. Don’t over-exert. When it comes to achieving skills and athleticism, a progressive approach is more effective instead of abruptly exposing your body to higher rigor. At the same time, you must allow your body to rest and recover, which is another common way to avoid injuries. If you’re not getting enough rest, the chances of getting injuries increase; because your body is tired and hasn’t healed from the last outing. In such cases, even the recovery takes much longer.

Practice And Play The Right Way

Every sport demands the right amount and kind of skills. If you’re trying to do a tackle or move without first acquiring the needed skill, you will get injured; this is a common problem with the beginners. So, it’s important that you practice and play the right way. Follow the right techniques; like how you move, how you run, how you breathe – these all play a key role in keeping you safe from injuries. It would take time to perfecticize the right techniques and acquire the needed skills to play better and safely. It requires you to have a learner’s mindset wherein you realize and appreciate the technical aspects of becoming a better athlete.

Some Other Measures To Prevent Injuries

Staying hydrated is a big part of this. Dehydration leads to fatigue, muscle soreness, cramps, and various other problems. It also slows down the self-healing process of your body. So, whether you’re on the field or off, drink water.

What you wear is also an important factor here; especially your shoes. If you’re not wearing a good quality shoe that offers proper support to your ankle and cushion to your heels, you might get injured easily. Invest in good quality shoes and overall gear.

Your daily meals should pack all the essential nutrients to provide your body the energy and support it requires when playing. Sadly, many people gorge on unhealthy foods, which negatively influences their physical fitness and body’s internal mechanism, leaving them exposed to possible injuries.

If you sustained an injury, even if it’s just mild pain, visiting a ligament specialist doctor in Kolkata should be a top priority. Shrugging off such small injuries just because they don’t look critical is bad for your body in the long-run. In fact, you should regularly visit a good orthopedic doctor in Kolkata for routine checkups to ensure you’re in good orthopedic health.

Care About Your Safety Just As Much

Yes, you want to be a better player in the sport. You want to become a good athlete. But that part of the conversation also includes your safety, which many beginners often forgo. You won’t be the best player if you don’t successfully avoid instances of injuries. As we discussed earlier, staying safe from injuries isn’t necessarily a tedious task. Following the basic measures will keep you safe. That’s a large part of what even the top athletes do to avoid sprains and other injuries; sticking to the basics.




How To Treat Your Hip Pain?

No, you’re not getting old. And you certainly won’t need to approach hip replacement surgeon Kolkata for any invasive treatment. There are many reasons why your hip is hurting. Most of these reasons aren’t critical and can be fixed or managed with the right measures.

But that said, if the reason behind your hip pain is indeed serious (like you have sustained hip fracture) and is accompanied by other symptoms, it certainly calls for the immediate attention of the best orthopedic doctor in Kolkata. We have covered why you could be experiencing hip pain in a separate post. Please check out: Why is Your Hip Hurting?

Coming to how you can treat mild hip pain… The first and most important step is to rest. Avoid putting any pressure on the hip; avoid any posture that puts a strain on the hip; preferably, rest on your back. Allow the hip to heal itself. In just a couple of days, you will notice improvements. The pain will hopefully recede and eventually go.

If the pain is still there and it’s getting discomforting now, you can take any of the OTC pain relievers. Note, however, you should be cautious before taking any medicine; this is especially true if you’re already on prescription drugs and/or have any existing health condition. Pain reliever will ease your pain, while resting will allow your hip to heal. Together, they will ensure you’re getting better.

For further relief, you can even apply cold packs on the joints or the area that’s hurting. This will decrease pain, cramping and inflammation; if there was any swelling, applying ice will fix that as well.


There are several other things you can do to control and fix your hip pain. You can take hot baths; it will improve your blood circulation, easing sore and tightened muscles;it will also help with the inflammation. In case if you’re overweight, you should try to cut back on those extra pounds, which is putting additional pressure on the hip, causing pain.Taking up basic exercises that strengthen the hip muscles and the core is another thing that can help; often living a sedentary lifestyle results in poor orthopedic health.

In the end, if the pain is still there, the only option – and perhaps the most reliable and recommended one is – to visit a doctor. Book your appointment to the best orthopedic doctor in Kolkata. They will diagnose the reason behind your hip pain. Accordingly, they will lay out a course of treatment, which will be more efficient and effective in providing you with long-term relief.




Grade 3 Ankle Sprain: Everything You Need To Know

If you’ve hurt your ankle, after a thorough physical examination and some tests, your doctor would classify that injury into one of the three grades based on its severity: Grade 1, Grade 2, and Grade 3. Grade 3 ankle sprain is the most severe one. In this, your ligament has torn completely. This will come with severe pain and swelling. The joint will be unstable, so you won’t be able to walk; not without pain at least.

How Grade 3 Ankle Sprain (And Not Grade 1 And 2)?

While grade 3 ankle sprain is not “very common” as opposed to lesser severe grade 1 and grade 2, it can happen in certain cases. Maybe you were running or jumping on an uneven surface; maybe you tripped on something. People who are into physically intensive sports, as well as those who live a sedentary lifestyle and have poorly conditioned bones, joints, and muscles – they are more likely to sustain severe sprains. When you completely tear a ligament, in addition to acute pain and extreme loss of motion, you even hear or feel a pop sound.

How Will It Get Diagnosed?

Unsurprisingly, grade 3 ankle sprain takes a long time to heal. If you have sustained this injury, as mentioned earlier, the doctor will do physical examinations and even order a few tests to have a clear understanding of the extent and severity of the injury. The tests can include x-rays, MRI scan, and ultrasound. Accordingly, the doctor would outline a course of treatment for you and offer some advice that you should follow religiously.

Would You Need a Surgery?

Even something as severe as grade 3 ankle sprain does not necessarily require surgery. Your doctor would recommend any invasive treatment only if your sprain hasn’t positively responded to non-surgical treatments and rehabilitation. In this case, you should always look for the best orthopedic hospital in India (or any specific city) and trust only the experienced and specialist surgeons.


Treatment For Grade 3 Ankle Sprain

An important part of non-invasive treatment for your grade 3 ankle sprain is getting enough rest and allowing your ligament to heal itself. In addition to this, you should follow the entire RICE model, which also includes applying ice and compression, as well as keeping your ankle at an elevated level.To control the pain and swelling, the doctor would likely prescribe you pain medication. In the second phase of recovery, once you have made some progress, you will have to focus on restoring flexibility and strength of your ankle. In the next phase, you will gradually get back to your regular activities – first the activities that do not put stress on your ankles and then anything strenuous.

How Long Will The Recovery Take?

How long the recovery from grade 3 ankle sprain takes varies for different people. It depends on how your injured area, and body, is responding to the treatment. However, you can expect it to take about 12 weeks before you can slowly get back to your normal routine. In this period, your doctor may ask you to wear crutches or use a walking stick. Your physical therapy in the second and third phases of recovery will include doing basic strength, balance, and endurance exercises whose intensity will progressively increase as your ankle heals.

Get Help From The Right Doctor (And Your Family Members or Friends)

Admittedly, the recovery period might not be easy – even though, in the early phase, all you will have to do is rest. There will be occasional discomfort. This could be emotionally and psychologically tolling. This is why it’s just as much about your family members who should be there to support you – at least in the first few days – as it is about the teamwork between you and your doctor. But the good thing is you might not require surgery, which could have its own set of challenges; plus, surgical treatment would also be relatively costly.

Hope this article provided you will all the basic information about grade 3 ankle sprain.




Your Knees Are Getting Weaker (And It’s A Big Problem)

When you’re young, you might not even notice it. You’re feeling good; there’s no discomfort of any kind. But as you grow older, it is then the health-related problems start surfacing. In that, your knees may feel okay right now, but they might be getting weaker. And it’s a big problem that you will struggle with in the latter part of life; it will affect your mobility and overall lifestyle. So, it’s important that you start taking better care of your knee – and general orthopedic health – as early in life as you can. To do that, it helps to know what could be weakening and damaging your knees in the first place. Here are 5 five ways your knees are getting weaker:

1. Lack of Physical Activities-

Sedentary lifestyle is a big enemy to orthopedic health. If you’re not moving enough, your knees – and muscles around the knees – will be conditioned poorly; they will be weaker; they will be more prone to injuries. To strengthen your knee, you must get involved in more physical activities.

2. Over-Exercising-

There are people who don’t do any physical activity, and then there are those who overdo it. Yes, exercising is great. But it ought to be systematically progressive and based on your body’s need. If you’re suddenly over-exerting your knee with a high-intensity workout, it will cause strains and possible injuries.

3. Regular Knee Injuries-

Knee injuries are common. But if you’re sustaining them regularly, that itself is a sign of some underlying problem. Further, frequent injuries will wear out your knee and muscles around it, which will inevitably affect you in the long-run as your body gets into the 50s and 60s.


4. Being Overweight-

Being overweight adds a lot of pressure on the knee that, over a sustained period, wears down the joints and destroy protective cartilage. It is, in fact, a big cause of osteoarthritis. So, if you have extra pounds, you might want to shed them away. Start working out and eat healthy; it’s important for your knees but, above all, it’s important for your general health and well being.

5. Overlooking The Pain-

Many people experience regular knee pain and discomfort, and they ignore this. While the pain may leave in a day or two, the underlying reason might not. Ignoring it can be a big mistake. If you’re one of them, ideally, you should connect with best knee replacement surgeon in India for consultation. Work with them to find out the reason behind pain; seek proper treatment thereon.


Of course, there are several other factors that may be weakening your knees, like a poor diet doesn’t include enough vitamin D and calcium.

Again, these things might not necessarily look like a big deal at present. But as you grow older, you will start noticing numerous orthopedic problems, including weakened knees that hurt and injure often. So, start taking proper measures starting today. Small steps like walking more, wearing right shoes to avoid injury, and vising orthopedic doctor Kolkata whenever you’re experiencing pain can make all the difference.




Shoulder And Neck Pain: How To Fix It?

You don’t necessarily have to sustain an injury to experience shoulder and neck pain. There are many reasons why and how that can happen.

In fact, this is more evident now… With more people working from home, many of them are struggling with shoulder and neck pain. Arching your head forward for a sustained period, assumingly to stare at the computer or smartphone screen, leads to strains in your muscles and tendons. And while the office might have had good seating arrangement that facilitates proper posture, the lack of it at home makes things even worse.

Why Are Your Shoulder And Neck Paining?

As mentioned, there are many reasons why your shoulder and neck may be hurting. In some cases, the pain could be a symptom of something critical, like heart attack, cancer, gallstones, and cervical artery dissection. In other cases, the reason might not be as exigent, yet quite serious, like rotator cuff tear, soft tissue injuries, herniated disc, bursitis, and frozen shoulder.

There are also some age-related reasons for neck and shoulder pain, like cervical radiculopathy and cervical osteoarthritis.And then in many instances, you would know yourself what happened and what is causing the pain. Like, you would know when you have broken your collarbone, broken shoulder blade, or have your shoulder separated.

How To Treat The Pain?

It’s not simple to self-diagnose the reason behind the shoulder and neck. So, if the pain is severe, instead of figuring out yourself and trying home remedies, you must certainly go and see an orthopedic doctor. If the pain is accompanied by other symptoms, like headache, nausea, vomiting, pain in the abdomen, difficulty in breathing, numbness in back and jaw, blurred vision, and more – you should preferably go to the ER; the underlying reasons behind this pain can possibly be something critical.


However, if the shoulder and neck pain is only mild and isn’t accompanied by other symptoms – and you possibly know the reason why it’s hurting (maybe you stretched your shoulder the wrong way or you were sleeping in an awkward position) – you can then try a few treatments at home by yourself.

Trying Home Remedies (And When To See An Orthopedic Doctor)

Home remedies include resting, taking a break from physically strenuous activities, applying warm compress, applying ice wrap, getting a gentle massage, applying a good pain-relieving gel or spray, and taking OTC pain medication. If the cause of the pain isn’t severe, you will feel better in just a week. However, if the pain has sustained (or has gone worse), it definitely calls in for a visit to an orthopedic doctor. Google “best shoulder surgeon in India” or a related query relevant to your location and book an appointment for a consultation.

The doctor would ask a few questions, do physical examination and, depending on your condition, may even order you a test, like x-ray, MRI, electromyography, CT scan and/or blood test. Work along with them closely to accurately diagnose the reason behind your shoulder and neck pain, and thereon properly and permanently treat the problem.




Say Goodbye To Sedentary Lifestyle (For Better Orthopedic Health)

34 percent of Indians are insufficiently active.

Worse, a whopping 74 percent of Indian teenagers are physically inactive.

(Source, source)

So, it wouldn’t be a surprise if you’re one of them.

A Big Health Problem

The sedentary lifestyle has emerged as one of the biggest health challenges that the world is struggling to combat. When you don’t get involved in any physical activity –or get involved but only very little – you’re hurting your health, including your orthopedic health.

Your bones and joints aren’t properly conditioned. They lag in strength and flexibility. They become softer and weaker, leaving you more prone to injuries, deformities, and other orthopedic problems, like osteoarthritis.

In the long-run, these effects pan to be quite critical, affecting the quality of your life, as well as putting significant physical limitations as you grow older. (To know more on this subject, consult any of the famous orthopedic doctors in Kolkata.)

So, irrespective of your age, it’s essential to do away from a sedentary lifestyle.

Of course, cozy in your couch, it’s not going to be easy to pull yourself up and hit the gym or eat better food. But that’s exactly what you’re required to do if you are to live a healthier and happier life.

Make A Progressive Transition

The first step in this process is to take a progressive approach rather than being abrupt; the latter almost always end up with fatigue.

Remember, the new lifestyle you’re opting– a seemingly physically-active and healthy lifestyle – it’s a long-term commitment. You’ll preferably live with these good habits lifelong.

So, there shouldn’t be unnecessary rush in that transition where you’re going from no activity on one day to 2-hours at the gym the next day OR you don’t want to go from cheeseburgers on one day to starving yourself with salads.

Go slow. Make progressive changes.

Take one step at a time instead of aiming for 10 steps.

What Changes To Make

For the starters, if you’re not much of a walker, start walking more. Wake up early in the morning and go on a walk.

Instead of taking your bike or rickshaw everywhere, choose to cover that distance by walking.

In the subsequent weeks, join a local gym or any sports club based on your interest.

If working out at the gym isn’t your thing (maybe you’re busy), invest in some at-home gym equipment.

Note, however, to be careful in your workouts to not injure yourself. If your bones are weak, you might end up sustaining an injury. If you do, for instance, end up with knee pain, visit a good knee specialist in Kolkata almost immediately. Ignoring the injury and hoping it would get better itself can make the case worse. Seek professional help as soon as possible.

At the same time, heed to your diet.

Again, don’t make any abrupt and 360 changes to your meals that your body isn’t prepared for.

Slowly eliminate bad items, and then introduce their healthier alternatives.

Put In Some Work And Consistency

Going from having a sedentary lifestyle to a healthier one – the journey is not going to be easy. There will be challenges and you will struggle.

But nothing good ever comes conveniently, does it?

So, stay prepared to put in some hard work in making the necessary changes. And, most importantly, stay consistent in your efforts.

Over the months and years, you will notice a big difference in your orthopedic health.

You will be healthier and happier.




Recovering From An Orthopedic Injury: Are You Making This Mistake?

Whether it’s an arm fracture, shoulder dislocation, ankle sprain, or something else – irrespective of the kind of orthopedic injury you have, the recovery will take its time. Even if you’re consulting the best orthopedic specialist in Kolkata, the injury won’t miraculously heal itself.

Sadly, one of the biggest mistakes many people make in recovery is to rush through it. They try to get back to “normal” as soon as possible. In that, they end up doing more damage to their partially healed injury, which not only causes further delays but also worsen the condition, resulting in something worse.

Are You Making This Mistake?

The course of treatment depends on the kind of orthopedic injury you have sustained – and its severity. This also decides how long will your recovery period be. Even with medicines and physiotherapy, you cannot rush the healing process. For instance, on average, a fractured bone takes anywhere between 6 and 8 weeks to heal. Despite the best efforts, you cannot shorten this span to three weeks.

Such misconceptions and flawed expectations around recovery are usually addressed and cleared by the doctor. A good bone doctor in Kolkata would run you through the recovery process, giving you a general idea of how long will it take.

It’s essential that patients listen to their doctors intently, and adhere to the advice and recommendations made to them. If you’ve been asked to rest, rest. If your physiotherapist has asked you to progressively start doing physical activities, do that with a slow pace.


When your injury hasn’t healed properly and you’re putting a strain on that site, you’re doing further damage. For example, a simple ankle sprain can turn into a nasty ligament tear pretty quickly if you’re reckless in recovery and are trying to quicken the process.

Following your doctor’s advice (over, including, what you read online or what your friend recommended) is the best idea. Because, based on examination and diagnosis, they understand your condition much better. They would likely outline a personalized treatment plan that’s efficient and addresses your problems and convenience.

So, heed to what your bone doctor in Kolkata says. Follow their treatment plan rigorously. If you have any question or confusion, get it resolved by them. Don’t do anything that could add strains to your injury without consulting the doctor.

The recovery from any kind of orthopedic injury requires enough efforts, time, and patience. There’s a lot of room to make mistakes and make the injury worse. Steer clear of the mentioned mistake: do not try to quicken the process. Let the recovery take its natural course.

