
Why Is Your Hip Hurting?

Have you started experiencing hip pain out of nowhere?

Of course, if you have met with an accident or if you have overdone the exercise at the gym – it makes sense you have hip pain.

But if the onset is inexplicable, it certainly shouldn’t be taken lightly. Not at least if it has lasted for more than two weeks and is accompanying other symptoms. Other symptoms include pain or discomfort in your groin, buttocks, thigh, knee, and lower back. (This is called radiated pain; pain that radiates from the injured or diseased part to the adjoining parts.)

What Could Be Wrong?

There are many reasons why your hip could be hurting. Rheumatoid arthritis, osteoporosis, bursitis, muscle strain, and tendinitis are some of the common causes. Hip fracture is common as well and it doesn’t necessarily need to involve high impact; weaker bones and joints can fracture relatively easily even when you’re doing your mundane tasks.

People who are old, do physically strenuous work, or live a sedentary lifestyle – these groups are at higher risk of getting hip pain. Are you one of them?

Don’t Self-Diagnose

Now, self-diagnosis based on some articles or quiz you consume online is almost always a bad idea.

So, even in this case, it’s recommended to seek professional help. Visit the best hip replacement surgeon in VIP road Kolkata for consultation.

This is especially true if the pain is severe and is affecting your movement as well as overall lifestyle. You must head to a good orthopedic clinic in Kolkata without any delay.

The doctor will do a physical examination and ask you a few questions, like your lifestyle habits, if you have been involved in any accident recently, if you’re seeing other symptoms, and so forth.

In addition, your doctor might even order tests for an accurate diagnosis. Depending on the case, it could be x-rays, CT scan, and/or MRI scan.

Following the diagnosis, the right course of treatment would be selected.

Would You Need A Surgery?

Reducing the pain and managing other symptoms would be the priority here. Aside from pain killers and other medicines, your doctor might advise you for physiotherapy or/and steroid injections. In rare cases, hip replacement surgery might be recommended; it might even be the only option. But, again, surgeries aren’t a common treatment; it’s only for rare and severe cases.

Your recovery will depend on various factors, including the cause of your hip pain, the course of treatment you’re put on, and how closely you’re following your doctor’s advice.

Don’t Panic – But Be Smart

In general, unless you’re among the high-risk groups, your hip pain would go away within days with some rest. If the pain is too discomforting, you can go for OTC painkillers. But if the pain is severe, accompanying other symptoms, and/or recurring, it’s best you visit a good orthopedic clinic in Kolkata.



How To Keep Your Ankles Healthy (And Injury-Free)

Ankle sprain is quite common. And while it’s very prevalent among the athletes, you don’t necessarily have to be playing sports to sustain it. A misstep on the stairs or a stumble on a rock can sprain you. So, it’s essential to take proper care of your ankles so as to avoid any injury, which can affect your mobility and even require surgical treatment in severe cases (grade 3 sprain).

The First Step

Basic precautionary measures on your end can take you a long way in keeping your ankles healthy and injury-free. The first step in that is to wear the right footwear that provides needed stability. This is especially important when you’re involved in any strenuous physical activities like running and playing basketball. Invest in good quality sports shoes that offer enough cushioning among other features. If playing any sports, consider bracing or taping your ankle to prevent the injury. Even in your casual strolls, you want to be in good quality and comfortable footwear, which delivers higher support and stability to the ankles.

Getting Stronger

Strong bones and joints aren’t as prone to injuries. This is why working out to strengthen your ankles can take you a long way in avoiding injuries. There are specific exercises like heel raise, toe flexion, and ankle circles – as well as other common exercises like lunges, squats, and dips – which can condition your ankle, building its strength and resistance. Such a focused workout can also add to its flexibility. Exercising also builds muscles stronger, which plays a key role in protecting the ligaments. So, if you’re building leg muscles, it will help you avoid injuries and re-injuries.

Sedentary Lifestyle Much?

In short, if you live an otherwise sedentary lifestyle, despite all the comfort, you’re hurting your overall orthopedic health, including your ankles. Poor health positions you in a very vulnerable state, leaving you exposed to many types of bone and joint-related problems. Inadequate physical movement, along with poor diet, makes your skeletal structure weaker and fragile. So, adopting a more physically demanding lifestyle is essential to not just protect your ankles but also your complete orthopedic health.


A Few More Things

In addition to everything mentioned above, you certainly must take extra care and caution in your everyday life. For example, avoid going on any uneven surface; a wrong step can easily injure your ankle. Switch your shoes or footwear often as soon as they start showing signs of wear-tear. Most importantly, visit orthopedic best doctor in Kolkata for regular checkups. They can help you stay on track in building good orthopedic health.

What if Injured?

Then, in case if you do sustain an ankle injury, know how to go about from there into ensuring quick and efficient recovery. Foremost, instead of trying home remedies, go to the best ankle specialist in Ultadanga, or wherever you live. The doctor might order you an x-ray. If needed, in case of severe injury, you might even have to do MRI. Following the diagnosis, depending on the grade of the sprain, proper treatment would be outlined. Usually, the doctor would write you pain medications if needed, and provide you certain recommendations on how to take care of the injury. In serious cases, the treatment can also include surgeries. In any case, it’s important to listen to your doctor and follow their advice.

Contact Dr. Manoj Kumar Khemani

If you have any question regarding the ankle injury, or on any bone and joint-related problems in general, get in touch with Dr. Manoj Kumar Khemani. He is one of the best orthopedic doctors in Kolkata, boasting over 15 years of experience. He has treated over 15000 patients to date, helping them live a healthier and happier life. Dr. Manoj Kumar Khemani specializes in a wide range of orthopedic problems. Contact him today.




BackToBasic: How To Find The Best Orthopedic Doctor?

Maybe you’ve injured your ankle.

Maybe work-from-home is finally getting you and your back has started to ache.

Or maybe your parent has developed knee pain.

Whatever is the problem, you now need to visit an orthopedic doctor.

But which doctor to approach?

A simple Google search is showing so many names. Who should you trust? Who is better?

This small guide addresses this confusion.

Here are 5 #BackToBasic tips on how to find the best orthopedic doctor in Kolkata, or whichever city you live in:

1. Check Google Reviews

Google reviews can reveal a lot of insights about the doctor, helping you in decision-making.

So, don’t just look at the rating, but also go through the reviews patients have left for individual orthopedic doctors.

What do they have to say about the doctor?

Are they satisfied with the treatment?

Did they like the doctor and her/his approach?

How good (or bad) was their experience?

Spend enough time to read the reviews.

2. Their Specialization – And Your Needs

Even within orthopedics, there are various specializations. And this is something important that should be considered atop.

For example, if you have sprained your knee, you want to visit a ligament specialist doctor in Kolkata and NOT a spine specialist.

So, foremost, understand your unique need or problem.

And then find an orthopedic doctor that specializes in treating that problem.

3. About Traveling Convenience

Traveling long distances can be quite inconvenient – especially if it comes to your elderly parents, who would usually require to make regular visits for routine checkups.

So, ideally, you want to find a clinic that’s nearby.

Meaning, when researching to find a good bone doctor, find someone who isn’t too far from your residence.

Admittedly, convenience is an underrated factor here – but it’s definitely something you should care about.


4. How Much Experience They Have?

This goes without saying…

You should get treated by an orthopedic doctor who has adequate experience.

After all, the quality and outcome of the treatment largely depend on how experienced the doctor is; how many patients they have treated to date.

This isn’t to say that newly-graduated doctors are not good. But since they lack the practical exposure to real cases, you are better off seeing an experienced orthopedic specialist, especially when it comes to complex issues.

So, do prioritize doctor’s hands-on experience.

5. The Many First-Visits

Visiting a doctor the first time doesn’t necessarily have to pan out into a long-term commitment.

If you’re not satisfied with their overall approach and attitude, you should find someone else.

This can result in you visiting multiple clinics for the first time – and that’s okay. Visit as many clinics as you want to find a good orthopedic doctor.

If the first one didn’t match your expectations, and if they failed to properly address your concerns, visit the next one.

Remember, when it comes to healthcare, a friendly bond between the doctor and the patient is highly beneficial. So, you don’t want to settle for anyone who you’re not comfortable with.


These are five basic tips on how to find the best orthopedic doctor in Kolkata, or wherever you live.

Take your time in this process, consider all the various factors, and make the right decision.

Good orthopedic health is the cornerstone of a happier life. A good doctor by your side can ensure you that “happier life”.




How To Prevent Osteoporosis In Your Old Age? [PART 2]

In the previous part of this 2-part series, we discussed the fundamentals of osteoporosis. If you missed it, consider giving it a quick read: How to Prevent Osteoporosis In Your Old Age? [PART 1].

Managing Osteoporosis: Treatment Options

If you have received a diagnosis of osteoporosis, your doctor will prescribe a treatment plan to slow down bone breakdown and stimulate new bone growth.

Dr. Manoj Kumar Khemani is a leading orthopedic surgeon in Kolkata, renowned for expertise in a wide range of orthopedic conditions. He is recognized as the best hip replacement surgeon in VIP road Kolkata and a trusted resource for individuals dealing with osteoporosis. Reach out to him for effective osteoporosis management.

Even if you aren’t experiencing symptoms of osteoporosis, which typically become more apparent in later life, it’s crucial to adopt preventive measures from an early age, as previously discussed. Several strategies can reduce your risk of developing this bone disease.

|Exercise for Stronger Bones

Regular exercise is a vital preventive measure. It strengthens your bones and slows bone loss. If you’re not already active, consider starting a regular workout routine (after consulting your doctor if you have existing orthopedic conditions).

|Effective Bone-Strengthening Exercises

Certain exercises are particularly beneficial for strengthening your bones. Engage in weight-bearing activities like running and water aerobics, and incorporate strength training with free weights, pushups, squats, and resistance bands.

|Nutrition for Strong Bones

To enhance bone strength and density, your body requires calcium and vitamin D. Unfortunately, 70-90 percent of Indians have a vitamin D deficiency. Increasing your daily intake of these nutrients is essential.

Sunlight is the best natural source of vitamin D. Additionally, various foods are rich in these nutrients, such as fortified milk, eggs, salmon, mushrooms, oatmeal, cheese, beans, lentils, almonds, spinach, tofu, and milk. Incorporate these foods into your daily meals and ensure adequate sun exposure.

|Lifestyle Improvements for Better Orthopedic Health

To safeguard your bone health, make lifestyle changes, including quitting smoking, moderating alcohol and soda consumption, and gaining a better understanding of osteoporosis and other orthopedic issues.


Medical Intervention for Severe Cases

If bone loss is severe and your bones are abnormally weak, your doctor may prescribe medications. These medications can help slow down bone density loss and strengthen your bones.


Early Prevention: A Key to Osteoporosis Management

The symptoms of osteoporosis often do not manifest until later in life, and many individuals may be unaware that they have the condition. Therefore, it’s crucial to initiate preventive measures as early as possible to protect against osteoporosis and other orthopedic problems.

For assistance, reach out to Dr. Manoj Kumar Khemani, a highly trusted orthopedic doctor in Kolkata who specializes in various bone and joint-related issues, including osteoporosis. Collaborate with him to improve your orthopedic health and enhance your overall quality of life.




How To Prevent Osteoporosis In Your Old Age? [PART 1]


As we grow older, our bones naturally lose mass and require increased care. However, when bone density loss becomes significant, leading to abnormally weak bones, it may indicate the presence of osteoporosis. This condition affects millions worldwide, raising the risk of orthopedic injuries and diminishing overall quality of life.


Early Prevention for Stronger Bones


While osteoporosis can manifest at any age, it primarily affects older individuals. Nevertheless, the roots of this condition begin at a younger age. The process of bone density loss and weakening initiates early, underscoring the importance of early preventive measures.


In fact, our bodies begin to break down bone faster than they can rebuild it as early as our 30s. This is especially critical for those with a higher susceptibility to osteoporosis. Factors such as family history, smoking habits, low estrogen levels, hyperthyroidism, age, and gender can increase your risk. Consulting with an orthopedic doctor can help assess your individual risk factors and establish a proactive plan for bone health. So, if you haven’t been to an orthopedic doctor in recent times, you might want to book an appointment. If you live in Kolkata, visit an orthopedic specialist in Bangur, ask questions, and address your concerns.


Recognizing Osteoporosis and Diagnosis


Recognizing osteoporosis can be challenging, but certain symptoms become more pronounced with age, including height loss, persistent back pain, changes in posture, and an increased fracture risk. A thorough physical examination by a medical professional can aid in diagnosis. If osteoporosis is suspected, your doctor may recommend a bone density test, such as densitometry or dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) scan, to assess bone density in specific areas.


Proactive Measures to Manage Osteoporosis


It’s crucial to understand that osteoporosis is incurable, meaning it cannot be completely eradicated once it develops. Therefore, the focus should be on preventive measures as you age, including regular consultations with an experienced orthopedic specialist in Kolkata who specializes in osteoporosis management. Taking these proactive steps can help protect and strengthen your bones as you advance in years.

This includes regularly visiting the best osteoarthritis doctor in Kolkata who also specializes in osteoporosis.

Read the next part: How To Prevent Osteoporosis In Your Old Age? [PART 2]




Why Do You Get Fractures And Sprains So Often?

A 2010 India Today report titled ‘India’s Bone Crisis’ mentioned 4.4 lakh people in our country get hip fractures every year. The report admits “Indians are overly prone to fractured bones”.

Another study published in the Indian Journal of Medical Research in 2018 showed that over 69 percent of people in Delhi between the age of 38 and 68 suffer from continuous bone loss and face a high risk of fractures.

When It’s (Un)Common

Admittedly, at some point in life, most of us will get a fracture or ligament injury. It’s common!

However, if the fractures or sprains are recurring and happening often, it’s a tell that there’s much more to the problem. There could be a serious underlying reason behind that, which likely requires a thorough diagnosis and proper treatment.

If you’re sustaining injuries even on the slightest trip or fall, the reasons for that could be several.

Aging, Young, And Injuries

For starters, older people are more prone to fractures and sprains. This happens because as they age, their bones lose mass and get weaker. Plus, they are at a greater risk of falling. Similarly, the risks for athletes are higher as well. They are exposed to high-force impact, which could lead to a crack in the bone.

It’s also worth noting, however, that even those young people who do not get involved in much of physical activities, they can sustain fractures and sprains due to little bumps. A sedentary lifestyle weakens and poorly-conditions the bones, which leave them open to injuries.

Despite your age and lifestyle though, the fundamental reason why you’re sustaining fractures and sprains often is weak bones. Now, why are bones weak (and joints inflexible)–that needs to be established through proper case analysis.


Indians And Sedentary Lifestyle

As mentioned earlier, a sedentary lifestyle is a big culpable factor. And this is a serious problem, particularly in a country like India where 3 in 4 adolescents are not active enough. If you’re not getting enough exercise every day, that could be the reason behind your regular injuries.

Vitamin D Deficiency

Vitamin D deficiency is another major problem, which is associated with a higher rate of bone loss, muscle weakness, and several other orthopedic problems, which puts you at a greater risk of fractures. In India, 70-90 percent of people have Vitamin D deficiency. You might very well be among them.

Seeing A Doctor

It’s essential that, if you’re getting injured on a regular basis, you go and see the best orthopedic doctor in Kolkata, if you live in the city. (Even if the pain is mild and recovery fast!) Finding out the reason behind it is an important step to ensure effective treatment and long-term relief.

A bone specialist doctor in Kolkata will do physical examination and order x-ray. In case, if the case is complex or critical, they may even order you to do an MRI or CT scan. There are many different types of fractures, which subsequently decide the kind of treatment is necessary. Similarly, with sprains, there are different types. First, it would be graded and then the right course of treatment would be picked.


Don’t brush off those injuries. Or, for that matter, do not always settle for home remedies. If the underlying reason for your frequent fractures or sprains isn’t identified and treated, it could lead to serious problems as you age. So, connect with the best orthopedic doctor and take confident strides towards better orthopedic care and health.




How To Find Relief From Your Nagging Back Pain? [PART 2]

Numerous Orthopedic Problems

Many people are going through the same problems. The pandemic, which has brought the work-from-home culture in the mainstream, will expectedly lead a lot of people to complain about their deteriorating orthopedic health. And this will become clearer as more empirical evidence emerges. An orthopedic doctor is already witnessing more patients visit with back pain than on regular days. This trend will continue. The good thing is the spine problem is treatable – and so is the knee problem that people will struggle with as well due to lack of physical activity, which, earlier, at least, came through commuting between home and office. For the knee problem, you can choose to visit the best knee replacement surgeon in Kestopur, Kolkata, for consultation. But before that, if the pain is mild, you can certainly try basic home remedies, much like how you would go about with your back pain, as we discussed in this 2-part series.

The Little Steps Matter

Small, progressive, and persistent steps will not only ensure you a healthier back and knee but also overall orthopedic health and lifestyle. The word “progressive” here is equally important. You don’t want to run a mile and do 50 on your first day when you haven’t worked out in months or years. It can end push ups doing more damage, leading to sprains (and, of course, sore muscles). You want to start slow and build up the pace as you go in your regimen towards better habits and lifestyle.


Take Your Back Pain Seriously

Coming to the topic of the moment, if your back pain is severe, visit the best orthopedic doctor in India, in whichever state you live in. If the pain is mild and isn’t obstructing your daily life, start making small changes in your lifestyle and picking better habits. Invest in a better quality chair where you can comfortably sit and work from home. Purchase a good mattress if the existing one isn’t aiding in fixing your back pain. Start doing some light workout to do away from your sedentary lifestyle. Pick up a better diet that has foods known for their anti-inflammatory properties. At the same time, also heed to your posture; walk and sit straight without hunching. There’s a range of steps that you can take to improve your mild back pain.




How To Find Relief From Your Nagging Back Pain? [PART 1]

Working from home now has made it even worse. A lot of people, in fact, are complaining about orthopedic problems in this pandemic. A report on Bloomberg Quint mentions about 71 percent of those Working From Home“due to covid-19 have experienced new or exacerbated ailment caused by the equipment they must use”. So, if you’re experiencing back pain, you’re not alone.Of course, the severity of the back pain varies. For some, it’s mild, which can easily be shrugged off. For others, it’s acute, lasting much longer and affecting the quality of life. The good thing is you can do several things to find relief.

Find The Right Chair (And Mattress)

One of the foremost steps towards that relief is fixing your seating solution, where you’re spending a lot of your time these days. Back pain is very prevalent in people with a traditional 10-5 (or 10-7) desk job. If the chair you’re sitting on isn’t adequately comfortable and supportive to your back, you will inevitably start experiencing back pain. Over the period, if not heeded to, this pain can even turn chronic. So, give your chair a quick look and see if it’s comfortable enough. If not, you want to change it. In addition, also make sure that the height of the chair compliments the height of the table. And while you’re at it, you should even consider changing your mattress. There now is an influx of memory foam mattresses in the market that are designed specifically to help with upper and lower back pain. So, if your existing mattress is delivering you the desired comfort – or if it’s really old and needs to be done away with – consider purchasing a new one. Bad quality mattresses are a big source of various orthopedic problems.

Fix Your Diet And Break Your Sedentary Lifestyle

In addition, you must heed to your diet. You want to adopt an anti-inflammatory diet with foods that have can fight pain. Of course, a change in diet would not miraculously fix your back pain but adding more of nuts, olive oil, ginger, turmeric, salmon, and cherries can pave way for benefits in the long-run.

Living a sedentary lifestyle is also a major factor why so many young people now are suffering from some types of orthopedic problems. Your back pain can be a result of the same. If you’re spending most of your days sitting on the chair or lying on the bed, you immediately need to incorporate some changes. Getting some form of physical exercise everyday is essential so as to strengthen and condition your bones and joints properly. Lack of it, in the current context, will weaken your spine, making it more prone to usual strains and pains even on light exertions. So, start working out. Even if it’s basic exercises at home, it can take you a long way.

Don’t Expect A Miraculous Effect

These measures can help you find relief from your back pain. But the result won’t be instantaneous. Your months and years of physically inactive life that led to orthopedic problems won’t go away in a few days of workout and better diet. So, in that case, if your back pain is really severe or persistently uncomfortable, go and see the best orthopedic doctor in India. If you live in Kolkata, book your appointment at the best spine surgeon in Lake Town. It’s a better idea instead of choosing for OTC pain medication, which would only provide you short-term respite. A professional can assess your condition to understand the underlying reason and rule out any possible serious factors or issues. To that, their recommendations, based on analysis, will also ensure you a quick, effective, and lasting solution.

Read the next part: How to Find Relief from Your Nagging Back Pain? [PART 2]




Sprained Ankle: Do You Need To See An Orthopedic Doctor?

You don’t need to be an athlete to sprain your ankle.

Maybe you were just walking around and, unknowingly, stepped on a stone that twisted your ankle and damaged your ligament.

[In fact, people who aren’t athletic and live a sedentary lifestyle, they are more prone to orthopedic injuries due to poor conditioning and strength. But that’s a whole different conversation altogether.]

So, spraining your ankle is common. It can happen even on the most mundane day.

The Severity of Sprain

Generally, many people choose to treat their sprains at home instead of heading to the best ankle specialist in Ultadanga, Kolkata. At best, they visit their local physician who prescribes them pain medications.

In reality, seeing an orthopedic specialist should be at the top in the course of action following any injury.

The severity of ankle sprain varies between individuals. Some can be extremely mild that can feel better in just a day, others are more critical with the extent of ligament tear big. In the latter case, at-home treatment would not only be ineffective but can even further-up the damage of the injury.

In addition, even if the sprain is mild, with a lack of proper treatment, self-healing can take a lot of time and cause a lot of pain.

Appropriate and timely treatment is essential when it comes to a ligament tear.

Visiting An Ankle Specialist

Upon visiting an orthopedic best doctor in Kolkata, to understand the true nature of the injury, X-ray would be done. In severe cases where the diagnoses aren’t clear, the doctor may ask for other diagnostic tests as well, like MRI, ultrasound, and CT scan. Detailed analysis can reveal the severity of the injury, which will then map the course of treatment.

Other than advising about self-care, the ankle specialist would prescribe medication and even recommend walking device. In the subsequent appointment, following movement test, the doctor would help you begin specific exercises that will gradually bring stability, balance, and strength to your ankle, enabling you to resume your regular activities sooner.

In serious cases, you may be recommended to a physical therapist to start a rehabilitative regimen for adequate healing.

Rarely does ankle sprain requires surgery. However, if the recovery is unsatisfactory and healing is taking too much of time, your doctor may consider an invasive treatment.

Have You Hurt Your Ankle?

Instead of trying the home remedies, sustaining pain, and risking worsening your injury, visit the best ankle specialist in Ultadanga. Orthopedic injuries should be taken in priority. Immediate and appropriate treatment can prevent long-term repercussions.

So, if you have hurt your ankle, don’t brush it off and settle for just rest. Get it diagnosed to establish its severity and then take proper measures as advised by your doctor to recover quickly and the right way.

