
Old And With Orthopedic Problems: 10 Regrets You’ll Have In Your 50s

When you’re young, you would feel invincible. But then aging is inevitable – and so are the possible problems that come with aging.

Many people in their youth overlook their body’s needs and requirements. This seemingly innocuous attitude results in several health-related issues when they get old. It’s very common with orthopedic health.

People ignore the health of their bones and joints for long. As they go past their 50, many of them start noticing small orthopedic problems. These problems only get worse with the passing months and years. While some people finally choose to approach the top orthopedic doctors in India, many remain reluctant. Both of the groups, however, struggle with regrets. If only they heeded to their orthopedic health through basic measures when young, they would still be at their very best. But now they can’t walk properly, have aches in hip and knee, fracture quite easily, get sprains with little bumps, or has some other issue that hurts their agility, flexibility, and mobility.

You don’t want to be one of them.

But if you do manage to end up on the same spot, you’ll likely share the same regrets.

Here are 7 regrets you will have in your 50s and beyond as orthopedic problems start creeping in:

1. Not Getting Enough Sunlight

This is very basic. If you aren’t getting enough vitamin D, your body won’t be able to absorb calcium. So, it’s essential to get vitamin D in a proper amount every day, which helps protect your bones.
Sunlight is the best source of vitamin D.

2. Not Considering Calcium Supplements

Getting insufficient calcium will hurt your bone density. It is perhaps one of the most important elements in keeping your bones healthy.

If you’re not getting enough calcium from a daily diet, you should consider getting supplements.

3. Insufficient Protein Intake

Protein makes up 50 percent volume of your bones. It is equally important as vitamin D and calcium, providing strength and flexibility to the bones.

Sadly, Indian diets are weak in providing enough protein to the body.

4. Choosing A Sedentary Lifestyle

This is an alarmingly rising trend that should be addressed seriously.

Lack of physical activity attracts countless health problems, including bone weakening.This is, in fact, a big part of the conversation among the top orthopedic doctors in India.

5. Not Running And Working Out

The more you work out (in a proper way), the stronger will your bones and joints get. And this will make sure that they are healthy even when you’re very old.

But then, for whatever reasons, you’re not working out enough. (Or, you’re not working out at all, voluntarily hurting your orthopedic health.)

6. Enjoying Bad Habits

You smoke a lot. You drink a lot. You’re sleep-deprived. You’re eating all the unhealthy foods you come across.

And, most importantly, you’re enjoying all these bad habits, not knowing you’re going to regret this in a couple of decades.

7. Brushing Off The Injuries

Whenever you sustain an injury, you should straightaway head to a bone doctor in Kolkata. But that’s not what many people do.

They try to brush off these injuries.

This leaves a lasting impact on their bones and joints, showing up only in the latter years of life.


These are 7 regrets that you’ll end up with in your 50s, 60s, and beyond if you don’t start taking proper care of your orthopedic health from early on.

So, don’t assume that you’re young and invincible.

Your body might recover now better. It can heal itself. It might feel superbly able. But that’s now how it’s going to be forever. For the latter stages in your life, you must start thinking and caring about your bones and joints from today. Small measures like getting some sunlight can make all the difference in the world.



How To Get Relief From Hip Pain (And Avoid Hip Replacement Surgery)?

In recent times, owing to the technological advancements, hip replacement surgery in Kolkata has gotten much safer and efficient. More people are opting for it to treat their hip problems, especially arthritis, which is quite prevalent among people in their 50s, 60s, and beyond.

But then that said, much like any surgical treatment, hip replacement bear its own share of risks. After surgery, your mobility will be limited in the early stages. The recovery phase will take time, requiring you to be extremely careful so to minimize any possible complications. Perhaps this is why hip replacement surgery is the last line of treatment, chosen only after other conservative treatments have failed.

If you’re experiencing hip pain, it’s essential you heed to it with seriousness before the condition deteriorates and you’re left with limited options in treatment.

[It’s also important for the young people to take better care of their hips, and overall orthopedic health, from the start so to never encounter bone and joint-related problems in the latter days. But this is an entirely different topic altogether. Check out this post: 5 Daily Habits For Healthy Bones (And Happier Life)]

Why Do You Have Hip Pain?

There are many non-surgical ways how you can improve your hip pain and find long-term relief. But a lot of these “ways” depend on your existing health and the severity of the problem. Further, the severity of the problem varies, depending on the cause of your hip pain.

There are several reasons why you’re experiencing hip pain – or pain in the nearby region. Maybe you have arthritis, wherein the cartilage is damaged; maybe you got into an accident and you have sustained damage to your hips; maybe you have some kind of infection; maybe it’s chronic inflammation. The course of treatment would be determined after a thorough diagnosis. So, unsurprisingly on your part, for hip pain, you should visit a top orthopedic doctor in Kolkata without waiting a minute. After physical examination, Q/As, and maybe some tests, the doctor would outline how to go about in treating this problem.

5 Things To Do To Ease Your Hip Pain

In case if your hip pain is only mild and there doesn’t seem to be any obvious reason for that (for example, you didn’t got in any accident or you don’t have any known disease), there are a few things you can do to ease the pain.

Of course, the first step is to rest. Don’t exert yourself. Don’t put unnecessary strain on the hip, which might end up doing even more damage. Two, apply ice compression on the hip. Do it several times in a day. This will ease the pain and minimize swelling, if there is one. Third, take hot shower. This will help increase blood circulation, which might help with the pain. Fourth, you can even try OTC pain reliever. But consult about this to your doctor if you have any existing health conditions. Five, if you’re overweight, focus on losing weight. This will significantly ease the stress put on the hip.

Don’t Make This Mistake

The above-mentioned tips will help provide relief from hip pain. However, if the pain hasn’t still gone and it has been there for more than a few days now, visit an orthopedic doctor. Even if the pain has mellowed, you must still visit a specialist – because the underlying reason behind the pain may still be there. And in that case, the pain may return in the future and the underlying reason, since ignored, would only get worse over the course; inevitably this might lead you to hip replacement surgery in Kolkata, which, again, isn’t a bad option considering its success rate and relatively easier recovery. But it certainly isn’t something you should aim for without trying other conservative treatments.

Many people, despite the pain, refuse to see doctors until their condition has worsened. Don’t make this mistake. Hip pain can be serious, leading to long-term effects on your mobility and overall lifestyle. If there’s nagging discomfort and it hasn’t become better in days, there’s no reason for you to wait it out. Find a top orthopedic doctor in Kolkata and seek the right treatment.



How To Prevent Ligament Injury? (A Quick Guide)

Yes, the athletes are more prone to ligament injuries. In between the run, tackle, acceleration, and deceleration – stretching or tearing the fibrous tissues that connect two bones is common. But then that doesn’t mean the non-athletes are safe. In fact, a person who lives a sedentary lifestyle, they are just as much at risk of sustaining such injuries; especially in knees and ankles. When your body isn’t getting the necessary physical activity every day, the bones and joints get weaker. This leaves you exposed to possible ligament tears even on slight movements. So, whether you’re an athlete or not, you should take practice proper orthopedic care so as to avoid ligament injuries.

The First Step…

There are no hard-written rules on how to prevent ligament injury. Foremost, a large part of that prevention depends on your existing health. If you have any orthopedic problems, you might be at higher risk. Approaching a ligament specialist doctor in Kolkata, find help your existing problems, and addressing your concerns of possible injuries is a good idea. Aside from that, there’s a lot that you can do to steer away from ligament injuries, which can be as serious (Grade 3) as requiring surgical treatment; and while surgeries are relatively common and safer now to treat sprains, it’s still the last line of defense; it involves several risks, discomfort, and costs money.

Say Goodbye to Sedentary Lifestyle

If you live an inactive lifestyle, you want to pace up and progressively get more active. ‘Progressively’ is a keyword here. With rigorous workout and activities, you don’t to strain your muscles and surprise your body. Allow your body days and weeks of warm up where in you gradually increase the intensity of your physical activities.

Now, this doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to do HIIT or anything rigorous in the end at the gym. Simply walking can make a big difference in your orthopedic health. So, start by taking small walks every day. Increase this distance in weeks. Start running then. Run small distance before covering bigger miles. Slowly, pick up weight training and cardio; stick to simple regimen. Note, however, that if your age is above 50 – or even 40 – you want to consult a good doctor before starting to workout. You’re putting strain on your bones and joints, which can have unwarranted outcome. So, consulting the best orthopedic doctor in Kolkata is important to remain on the safer side.

In addition to basic regimen, there are specific exercises that can minimize the risks of getting ligament injuries; like stretching, lunges, squats, jump and hold, calf raise, more.They focus on strength, flexibility, balance, and agility. They are specifically aimed at improving your core, hips, and legs. They will help condition your body to consume external shocks and minimize serious ligament injuries. For more on this, again, consult your orthopedic doctor or a physiotherapist.


Other Steps to Minimize Ligament Injury

Here are a few other steps to help you prevent injury ligament injury:

  • When walking (or running), be careful. Watch your steps.
  • Before exercising, ALWAYS warm up.
  • Listen to your body. If it’s tired, get rest. If it can’t do something physically strenuous, don’t do it.
  • Eat healthy foods; especially foods that are rich in Vitamin D and calcium.
  • Ensure adequate protein intake.
  • Keep a check on your weight. Maintain it within an ideal bracket.
  • Make regular visits to the best orthopedic doctor in Kolkata and take care of your overall health.

In the end, it’s not very difficult to avoid orthopedic health. Keeping yourself physically healthy is the most fundamental part of the process.

But what if, despite all your best efforts, you do end up with torn ligament. Can it heal itself? What kind of treatment would you need? Here are some recommended reads:




Big Mistake Your Parents Are Making That Will Destroy Their Bone Health

Orthopedic problems aren’t uncommon in old people. Millions of aging Indians struggle with osteoporosis, dislocations, and fractures. Sadly, a significant part of them remains undiagnosed and untreated.

Did you know an estimated 50 million people in India are affected by osteoporosis?


There are many factors that plot together to make bone and joint-related problems common for people in their 60s, 70s, and beyond.

One of those “factors” is failing to update the diet.

As one ages, their body needs and requirements change as well. They start requiring more nutrients. Their bones start losing more mass. They grow weaker. A lot of other changes take place as well.

Unfortunately, most of the Indian women and men fail to keep up with these changes. Many of them stay uneducated on the subject, others choose to stay reluctant, overlooking their health beyond a point.

Could Your Parents Be One of Them?

All this while, have they stuck to the same meal plan? Are they still eating the same foods, in the same portion (or less), that they had when they were in the 30s and 40s?

With the progressive needs of the body, our eating habits – as well as overall lifestyle – must progress as well. The nutritional value of the meals must be heeded to thoroughly. The body now requires more vitamin D and calcium to compensate for bone loss. It now wants higher protein intake to maintain bone strength and mass. It wants more magnesium, vitamin C, vitamin B12, and other essential nutrients.

Understanding these needs and then adjusting the diet accordingly is essential. And this is something many Indians overlook.

Help your parent avoid this mistake. Find out more about their overall orthopedic health. Then audit their daily meals. Following, make changes in their diet to accommodate their changing orthopedic needs.

If needed, take them to the best osteoarthritis doctor in Kolkata. There are a few very good orthopedic doctors in Dumdum who specialize in elderly orthopedics. Take your parents to them for a standard checkup. If there indeed is any bone and joint-related problems, early diagnosis can make all the difference in treatment.

In general, the orthopedic doctor can outline them a proper plan to follow so to steer away from the common problems that older people usually go through. They can provide advice on the diet your parents should have and the kind of lifestyle changes they must make.

Help your parents take better care of their orthopedic health. Help them in avoiding a common mistake that many old people make. Update their diet per today’s needs and requirements of their body.



When To Visit An Orthopedic Doctor (And When Home Remedies Are Enough)?

It matters one’s health. So, it shouldn’t be trivialized. But then it is!

Many people, despite evident bone and joint-related issues, simply refuse to visit an orthopedic doctor in Kolkata for checkup and treatment. They rely entirely on home remedies that, in many cases, delay the ‘right treatment’ and aggravate the problem.

When it comes to orthopedic health, knowing what signs to look for, when to try home remedies and when to rush to a doctor is very important.

After all, that faint but nagging back pain can be much more than just due to your bad chair.

Or that knee pain can be a simple ache and not ACL tear.

To help sort this confusion…

Here are 3 times when you must visit an orthopedic doctor in Kolkata instead of depending on home remedies:

1. You Have Trouble Moving

You can brush away some pain and continue with your normal life. But then some injuries and pains can’t be brushed.

They are more serious. They have hurt your mobility. You can’t move. Or, at least, you can’t move without being in extreme pain.

Such injuries or issues that would possibly affect your regular day-to-day life – and do so for a long period – they demand the immediate attention of qualified (and experienced) professionals.

So, if you’re experiencing a bone or joint-related problem that’s making it difficult for you to move, visit an orthopedic clinic; or visit a specialist like joint replacement surgeon in Kolkata if you’re aware of the type of your injury.

2. It Doesn’t ‘Feel’ Right

Often, when it’s something serious, you would know automatically about the severity of the problem.

You would have that inner ‘feeling’ when you would know that something isn’t right.

For instance: you were walking, you slipped and you felt a pop in your knee. You would instantly know something has gone awry and requires immediate help from doctors.

So, if you aren’t particularly feeling good about your problem and you’re worried about it, that’s a telltale.

Don’t wait for “let’s see if it feels better tomorrow”. Don’t act reluctantly.

If your intuition says something bad has happened with your bone or joint, it could very well be right.


3. Your Lifestyle Demands It

You can carry on with a mild ankle injury if you spend the large part of your day sitting on a comfy seat and staring at the computer.

But if you lead an active lifestyle, if you exercise regularly, if you travel often – having bone or joint issues might be too discomforting and inefficient.

So, it isn’t solely about the injury. It’s just as much about your lifestyle – and overall health.

If an orthopedic problem brings a small pause in your story, you would definitely want to see a specialist so as to get back on the track as quickly as possible.

Treat It At Home (Treat It At The Clinic)

There are many instances when you would simply know that your bone and joint issue needs professional attention.

So, act accordingly and get attended by an orthopedic doctor in Kolkata, India.

That said, in select cases, the problems can indeed be solved through home remedies. For instance, if the injured or problematic spot has not swelled and gone red, it’s a good sign. If you can still move, that’s a good sign as well. If the problem has emerged only yesterday and the symptoms are mild, there might not be any urgency.

In general, true to “prevention is better than cure” – you should always visit an orthopedic specialist if you’re experiencing any bone and joint-related. In case if you’re DIYer with love for home remedies – and you’re simply trying to save money – knowing which orthopedic problem warrants help from specialists and which not is equally important.



How To Manage (And Treat) Your Back Pain At Home?

Work from home is now a new normal for millions of professionals. And by the looks of it, that isn’t going to change anytime in the weeks ahead.

Sitting in the comfort of home and working – that’s good news for many. However, comes with it also some health-related challenges. More people are already complaining about their back pain. If you’re among them, you know how discomforting and distressing it gets. And in severe cases, back pain can even disrupt your regular lifestyle.

Now, you are usually recommended to consult the best spine surgeon in Lake Town and work out a treatment plan. But in these uncertain times when the risk of exposure to coronavirus is high, we get it if you don’t want to go outdoors and visit any clinic. In such a case, DIY home remedies come in handy.

Here’s how you can manage and treat your back pain at home:

1. Invest In A Comfortable Seating Solution

Unless you had a well built-in workspace at home, there’s a good chance that your chair isn’t ergonomically efficient to comfortably support your back. So, you might want to give your chair a hard look; you’re spending most of your day on it. If it’s not comfortable and doesn’t hold good posture, you might want to purchase a new chair.

At the same time, also heed to the desk; make sure it is of the right height, and in the right position, so that you don’t have to hunch over when looking at your computer screen.

2. Put On Some Ice And Heat Compression

If it’s searing pain, put an ice pack on your back. It would reduce inflammation. After that, put heat compression on the same spot. It would loosen up the muscles and tissues. Do this a few times a day. Your back will see so much better.

3. Outline Newer Habits

You’re now working from home… Your lifestyle has changed; why hasn’t your habits?

Make it a point to walk more. Take a break every half-an-hour; get up, stretch, and walk for a few minutes. Start working out. Keep an eye on your posture; stand and sit straight. If you smoke, stop. If you gorge on too much carbs, pick a healthier diet. If you don’t get proper sleep of 8 hours every night, sleep more.

Outline and adopt newer habits. It would help prevent and manage all the common orthopedic problems.

4. Get Your Weight Under Control

This is quite simple: If you’re overweight and you’re spending a lot of your time sitting, you would experience back pain because excess stress is put on the spine. So, measure your ideal BMI and achieve that with exercise and diet.

5. Start Doing Yoga

There are countless benefits of yoga, including it helps manage and treat back pain. So, if you don’t already, start doing yoga every day. Try different poses that focus on the spine, including the downward-facing dog, sphinx pose, extended triangle, locust pose, and two-knee spinal twist. In a matter of a few weeks, you will notice a significant improvement in your back.

6. Try OTC Pain Reliever

Quite a no-brainer… If the pain is persisting and very discomforting, try over-the-counter pain reliever. The likes of aspirin, ibuprofen, and Tylenol can help ease your inflammation. But make sure to consult the pharmacist. If you have any existing conditions, you might have to avoid some of these medications.

7. Talk To A Doctor On The Phone

Telehealth is becoming popular now. Call the best orthopedic doctor in North Kolkata and consult over the phone. Tell them your problem and listen to what they suggest. If they don’t offer telehealth service, ask them if the clinic is open. If yes, make an appointment right away.

Back pain doesn’t just disappear. Moreover, the underlying problem, at times, could be serious. Treating it in priority is a good idea. You might have to do an x-ray that will help identify the issues with your spine. In several cases, the doctor may even ask for MRI and electromyogram. Follow their advice and work along with them to treat your back pain.


These are 7 tips to manage and treat back pain at home.

With work from home becoming a new norm now, it’s essential that people take sufficient steps to steer away from the bone and joint-related problems. Small measures can make a significant effect in overall orthopedic health, including on your spine.



First Orthopedic Appointment After Lockdown: Dos And Don’ts

While the country is slowly and cautiously opening after the lockdown, do not take it as a sign that threat from coronavirus has eased. It’s still just as much there. A basic lapse on your end can have serious outcomes for you and your loved ones. Staying vigilant and taking all precautionary measures is essential. This includes also when booking your orthopedic appointment and visiting the best orthopedic hospital in India for the first time after the lockdown. You need to be careful to ensure maximum safety. Here are some of the dos and don’ts.

1. Make Sure The Orthopedic Clinic Is Open.

While more doctors are now attending patients in their clinics, there are still few who remain shut due to several reasons; like, they are located in hotspots or containment zones. So, check that your doctor is attending patients.

2. Do Not Walk-In!

Book your appointment in advance. Walking in any clinic at this point, even when that option is available, is a bad idea. It would crowd the space and would even require you to wait. And crowds and idly waiting somewhere are two things that you don’t want right now.

3. Time Your Visit.

When making the appointment, ask at what time would it be your turn to see the doctor. Of course, exactly telling the time is not possible. Checking some patients are quick, others take time. But you still want to have a fair idea about the time so that you set out from home accordingly. Again, you don’t want to spend too much time outside your home in any case; you shouldn’t ideally sit at the clinic for long. So, properly timing your orthopedic visit will help you be back in the home quickly.

4. Follow The Basic Guidelines.

Wear a good quality mask compulsorily. Keep a pocket-size hand sanitizer with you; every 10 minutes, clean your hands with it. Wear gloves if needed. Maintain physical distance from others.

5. Postpone Elective Surgery.

Say you’re visiting the best knee replacement surgeon in Kolkata and you’re advised to go for the surgery; if that surgery is elective and non-urgent, postpone it for a few weeks. Wait for the pandemic to loosen up before you decide to get admitted to any hospital for invasive treatment; don’t do anything where the risk of exposure to coronavirus would be high.

6. Ask More Questions.

If your orthopedic doctor recommends you to exercise, ask them about at-home exercises. If you’re currently working from home, ask them what you can do for a healthy back. Ask them what foods you can eat in case if the healthy items you eat aren’t available due to supply chain disruption. Address all your concerns and queries you have regarding your bone or joint-related problem and how you can adapt to the ‘new normal’ we live in now.

7. Fix The Next Appointment.

Talk to the orthopedic doctor and ensure the next appointment isn’t too soon if non-essential. Again, you don’t want to be outdoors for things that aren’t urgent. Discuss a later date when the threat from this virus is much less.

These are 7 dos and don’ts for your first orthopedic appointment after the coronavirus lockdown. Make the right calls and take care of yourself. Because it isn’t just about you but also about the people you live with.



5 Questions You Shouldn’t Ask A Bone Doctor In Your First Appointment

Maybe you have fractured your bone; maybe it’s a ligament injury; maybe it’s just a regular backache.In any case, if you’ve decided to visit a bone doctor, it would do well if you have a fair idea of how your first appointment would pan out.

An orthopedic doctor gets tons of common questions.

Of course, if you’re confused, you shouldn’t hesitate to ask the same and more questions to your doctor. However, at the same time, there are questions that you’re better off leaving alone. Not that they are wrong; they simply lack clear and definite answers.

To help you prepare for your first appointment, here are 5 questions you should not ask your orthopedic doctor:

1. How Long Will It Take To Heal?

A lot of factors come into play here – FROM the severity of the injury TO treatment type TO how you respond to the treatment.

Furthermore, when it comes to healing bone and joint-related problems, your personal habits, care, and overall lifestyle come to play an even bigger role.

So, don’t expect your doctor to answer this question accurately – not at least in the first appointment.

Instead of trying to know the timeframe, try to understand the problem and how it’s biologically improved and healed.

2. Will The Treatment Be Costly?

As a general rule of thumb, do not talk a lot to your doctor about money.

What matters the most here is that your problems get fixed. So, don’t fixate on the expense of the treatment from the go.

Sure, do get a basic idea to sort your budget. But don’t make your entire conversation around “it is so expensive” and “what are the cheaper options”.

3. But That’s Not What Webmd Says, Why?

Many people have the habit of overly relying on the web for medical and healthcare help. Are you one of them?

Understand that a lot of what you read online regarding health and medicine are too broad at best and unreliable at worst.

Don’t blindly believe everything you read online.

Instead, listen to your doctor intently. Do not question their diagnoses and recommendations– beyond a point – just because that’s not what you read on a website.

4. Do I Really Need To Come Back Here Again?

Yes, if the orthopedic problem is something big and severe, you will have several subsequent appointments.

However, even if the injury is mild, it’s recommended to make at least one more appointment to the doctor. This is to ensure that, following the first appointment, you’ve healed adequately or, at least, are on the right course of recovery.

A common mistake many patients make is when they start “feeling” better, they assume that they are back to normal. And they usually skip their next appointment. Don’t be one of them!

Follow the doctor’s advice and see them on the date or in the week that they have asked you to visit.

5. Will It Be Back To Normal After That?

No one knows. Your course of recovery or healing depends on many factors.

Even when you’ve started feeling better, it’s not assured that everything is back to normal.

For instance, with ligament injuries, while that ligament may have been recovered, it may still be weak for weeks and months; meaning, it might be prone to another injury. Similarly with fractures, even when your bone has healed, it might still be in a fragile condition that risks another injury.

Besides, especially when dealing with severe bone and joint-related problems, the problem and subsequent treatment may leave a scar that might never get back to normal. You may have to learn to live with that.

So, avoid asking this question. Instead of heeding to the “normal”, focus on the process of recovery or “feeling better”.


These are five questions you shouldn’t ask your orthopedic doctor on the first appointment.

There are plenty of important and relevant questions instead that you should make note of, head-on, to ask. Like, why the doctor has selected this treatment over others? How is this procedure done? What are the alternatives? If you’re being referred to a specialist, say the best ankle specialist in Ultadanga, why is that? What kind of risks are involved in the treatment? More such similar questions.



Dealing With Orthopedic Problems During Covid-19

Owing to the ongoing pandemic, the healthcare infrastructure in India – as well as across the world – is going through massive strains. The attention is on COVID-19 with health scare dominating communities. However, in the process of heeding to one big problem, it’s equally important to not forgo the others. This includes orthopedics, among others. With millions of people in the country struggling with some kind of bone and joint-related problems, there needs to be more awareness for them regarding how to go about with their treatments and regimen in the midst of the pandemic.

Admittedly, in lack of a centralized protocol, there exist many confusion and questions among the patients. However, FROM the consulting orthopedic doctor TO the best hip replacement surgeon in Kolkata, India, many have risen, in different capacities, to the occasion to deliver their patients a consistent experience. While some are offering consultation through virtual modes, others have taken paramount measures at the clinic to ensure their own safety, as well as that of the patients.

If you have any orthopedic problem or condition, it’s essential you weigh in all the options, consider the existing threats of the novel coronavirus, be more thoughtful, and act responsibly in opting for help and treatment. In mild cases, seeking consultation from your orthopedic doctor over the phone or webcam can be adequate. In the case of grade B and grade C problems, do make an appointment in advance and take all the possible precautionary steps on your way to the doctor. If you have COVID-19 symptoms, work it out on the phone with your doctor before visiting their clinic. Elective orthopedic surgeries are best postponed. If there’s clinical urgency, your orthopedic surgeon will outline a course of action for you to get proper treatment.

In these challenging times, every community member must come together to be more responsible and responsive. They must help their doctors help them. Dealing with your orthopedic health woes, even in this pandemic, doesn’t have to be such a challenging task in many cases. Follow the guidelines, listen to your orthopedic doctor closely, and take care of yourself adequately.

Audio Version:-

Dealing With Orthopedic Problems During Covid-19
