
Elderly Parents With Orthopedic Problems: How To Take Care of Them?

As one ages, orthopedic challenges often start surfacing. Arthritis, osteoporosis, and fractures are some of the common problems that old people face. This might also include your parents. As they are aging, they might start experiencing bone and joint-related issues. And, if overlooked and left untreated, these issues can span to become severe, even hindering their mobility.

So, it’s essential that as your parents are getting older, you should heed more and more to their orthopedic health in order to ensure them a good quality life.

Now, this doesn’t mean you get extremely vigilant to their movements; neither does it mean you spend a lot of your time and money on this.

Basic measures on your end can really make a big difference in their good orthopedic health. Here are 3 tips:

1. Encourage Them To Walk More

There’s no better care for your bones and joints than being physically active.

Sadly, as people age, they start getting more quiescent, getting involved in fewer and fewer physical activities. If your parents are one of these people, advise them against it.

Encourage your parents to move more. While they might not necessarily be psyched about going to the gym or even trying traditional freehand workouts at home, the best thing they can do is walk… Walk more.

After meals, ask them to walk more. Ask them to get up in the morning and head to the local park to walk. If they are going somewhere nearby, ask them to walk over taking a rickshaw.

Walking helps build and strengthen bones.

2. Adjust Their Daily Diet

What you eat plays a critical role in your orthopedic health.

While your bones can do with insufficient diet at the 20s, 30s, and even 40s, that’s not necessarily the case when you’re getting older and your bones start losing mass. Their requirement progressively changes with age, demanding more of key nutrients.

So, give your parents’ diet a hard look. Does it look good? Does it need changes? Are they getting more of key nutrients?

Foremost, ensure their meals are rich in calcium and vitamin D. Also, see to it that they are getting more protein, vitamin B12, magnesium, and vitamin C – all of which are important for the nourishment of bones.

Generally, you want them to avoid highly processed foods and choose more of whole foods.

Some of the items that help build bones stronger are milk, nuts, tofu, sardines, leafy greens, beans, and salmon. Add these items to their daily meals.

3. Take Them To An Orthopedic Doctor Regularly

This is important!

Even if everything “looks fine”, it’s important to take your parents to a good bone and joint specialist Kolkata for regular checkups.

The doctor would do a physical examination. If there are any problems, they would recommend tests and prescribe medicines. If the condition is serious, as a last measure, they might even suggest surgical treatment.

Usually, early diagnosis will pave way for better and effective treatment, helping your parents keep bones and joints in good health.

So, do some research around top 10 orthopedic doctor in India. Find one near you and visit their clinic.

After the first visit, do keep up with the follow-ups. Ensure your parents are following the advice of the doctor consistently.


These are three simple things you should do to ensure your parents’ good orthopedic health.

The secret to having healthy bones and joints isn’t some miraculous activity or treatment. It’s all about taking small steps every day from early on in life.

Your parents may have been uncaring to their orthopedic health till now; put an end to their reluctance. Define a clear regimen for them to follow to ensure they have the least of bone and joint-related problems if any.

Relevant Blog:-

Follow These Steps To Pick The Best Orthopaedic Doctor For Yourself



How To Treat Your Knee Pain? (5 Tips)

Your knee could be hurting for various reasons. Maybe you have sustained an injury? Maybe it’s the pain out of overuse or overexertion? Maybe it’s because of any underlying reason like arthritis? The reasons could be plenty. If you’re looking to resolve the knee pain, knowing why it’s there in the first place is the foremost task. So, a professional diagnosis is important. Ideally, you want to approach the best doctor for knee pain in Kolkata.

However, if the pain is very mild and hasn’t existed for long, there are a few things you can do to help your knees. Here are 5 tips:

1. The RICE Formula-

It stands for Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation. You must rest sufficiently to provide time to the damaged tissues for recovery. Applying ice will reduce pain and inflammation. Knee support compression will provide you comfort. And keeping your affected leg raised aka elevation will help with blood circulation.

2. Do Adequate Exercise-

This is a mistake many people make. Since hurting in the knee, they decide to reduce their physical activity to the minimum. While you must rest definitely, you must also make time to exercise. Resting too much will make the joint pain worse; it will weaken your muscles. You must workout in moderation, per your comfort; it will strengthen your knees and add to its flexibility. Weight training and cardio should be part of your regimen. Again, however, you don’t want to over-extend yourself; keep the workout in balance.

3. Get Massages-

You can self-massage your leg and other joints or hire a masseuse for it. While this might not necessarily treat your knee pain directly (after all, the reason for the pain could be many), massage would certainly provide you a sense of relief. You will feel less stressed out; you will feel much better. This would inevitably add to the healing process.


4. Apply Cold And Hot Compression-

Ice will reduce your pain, inflammation, and (any) swelling. Heat will loosen up your muscles, relaxing them; it would also enhance muscle lubrication, which will help in reducing joint stiffness. These are among the several direct and indirect benefits of applying hot and cold compression. You can purchase cold and hot pads for this. Or, simply put a hot water bottle on your knee; wrap ice in a piece of cloth and apply it on the knee.

5. Keep An Eye On Your Weight-

Knee problems are common among people with obesity. More weight exerts constant pressure on the knee joints, which leads to several complications in the long-run. So, it’s essential that you keep a watch on your weight. If you’re getting heavier, that might be taking a toll on your knees. In such a case, you want to take adequate measures to control your weight. Workout on a regular basis. And, most importantly, eat healthy foods.


These are 5 tips to best take care of your knee.

If you’re experiencing mild knee pain, these tips will take you a long way.

Note, however, that if the pain is strong and has lasted for a few days, it’s essential that you go and see a doctor. Such cases can have serious underlying reasons which require quick diagnosis and treatment. So, find a good orthopedic doctor in India, do the necessary tests, and follow the regimen the doctor has advised you.

Knee pain can be a big pause for your normal lifestyle. The moment you experience it first, you mustn’t take it lightly – especially if the pain is serious and has lasted for days.



How To Get Your Vitamin D During Lockdown?

Vitamin D is an essential micro-nutrient for our bones. It helps our body absorb calcium and phosphorous, the key minerals that make the bones stronger. Generally, a person is recommended 600 IU of vitamin D every day. Sadly, a lot of people suffer from the deficiency of this nutrient, which not only paves the way to several bone and joint-related problems like osteoporosis, but it also leads to other serious health issues. To know your body’s vitamin D level, your doctor would likely recommend the 25-hydroxy test.

Sun: The Best Source of Vitamin D

Sun is one of the best sources of vitamin D. There’s a reason why doctors now recommend patients to get enough sun exposure every day. About 15 minutes of sunlight a couple of times in a week is sufficient. Two things to note here: One, you must adequately protect yourself when in direct contact with sunlight; two, depending on your existing conditions, you might need more.

Now, since a large part of the population is under lockdown due to the pandemic, it isn’t wild to assume that they aren’t getting enough of vitamin D. The case would be worse for those who already have a deficiency of this micro-nutrient. As mentioned, it could cast a bad effect on their orthopedic health. Working from home has already increased the number of people with back problems; if you’re one of them, visit the best spine surgeon in Lake Town for proper treatment.

Hopefully, the lockdown will be over soon. But while you’re locked inside the home – this time or anytime in the future – you must work around your way to get your daily dose of vitamin D. How?

Fixing Your Diet

There are many food items that are rich in vitamin D. Increasing their consumption should be the first priority for all. Fatty fish like salmon and tuna are great sources. Beef liver packs this nutrient in abundance as well. If you’re a vegetarian, there are many options; it includes mushrooms, cheese, egg yolks, tofu, yogurt, oatmeal, cow’s milk, and margarine. Eat more of these foods to get your daily dose of vitamin.

Vitamin D Supplements

Understandably, due to the lockdown, there are also several limitations in what foods you get in the market. In such a case when you don’t find a lot of foods to suit your vitamin D requirement, taking supplements is a good idea. However, you mustn’t self-prescribe any supplement. It’s important to consult a doctor before going this way; getting excess of this nutrient through supplements can be harmful to health. So, do approach the best orthopedic surgeon in Bangur who specializes in bone and joint-related problems. Consult with them about vitamin D intake and orthopedic problems. Discuss with them whatever bone and joint-related concerns you have. If they deem fit, based on observations and tests, they could recommend you supplements.

Take Care of Your Bones

It isn’t just about vitamin D – and calcium thereof. The lockdown has also restricted everyone from going to the gym or running/walking/exercising outside in the morning. During this time, it’s essential that you take proper care of your bones. Eat healthy foods. If there’s space, exercise at home. Walk around in your room in the morning. If the sunlight comes through the windows, soak in the sun. Admittedly, these are challenging times for everyone. However, we all can still work our way around to take better care of our health. So, do focus on your health, as well as that of your family’s. Take better of yourself and your loved ones.




Taking Care of Bones And Joints As You Age. 3 Mistakes People Make

The examples of those in their 70s and 80s running marathons are few and far between. The majority of people, once they reach the ‘elderly’ mark, get slower and weaker. Of course, this doesn’t happen overnight as they reach their 65th year. Their poor lifestyle choices continue degrading their bones and joints from a very early age – throughout their 30s, 40s, and 50s.

This is why if you’re looking for good mobility and great health when you’re old, you must start preparing for that as soon as you can. There’s no such thing as “too early” here. So, no matter your current age, as you age, you must pay more attention to your orthopedic health.

To help you with that, here are 3 mistakes people make in taking care of their bones and joints as they age:

1. Maintaining The Same Pace

You used to run 5 miles a day every day. But that might not be the same today. As you age, your physical capabilities get restricted. If you’re always pushing yourself to match how active you were when 25, you might end up hurting your body.

So, as you grow older, trying to maintain the pace that you had when you were younger is a mistake. Your physical activities must progressively accommodate your growing age.

2. Eating The Same Food

As people age, they lose bone density; the bones lose calcium and other key minerals much faster. This affects the person’s posture, movement,and strength.

It’s essential that one adjusts their diet accordingly to suit this progressive transformation. Meaning, your meals should be more nutritious and healthier to supplement the increased bone’s mass loss.

Sadly, many people stick to the same diet that they have had for decades. It’s a mistake that gradually hurt your orthopedic health.

3. Not Working Out Enough

Working out for older people is very important. It packs plenty of health benefits. It helps slow down bone loss; it prevents osteoporosis; it makes the bones and joints stronger.

Sadly, many old people do not exercise at all.

And those who do work-out, their regiment starts fading as they age to an extent that they see no benefit of working out whatsoever.

As one gets older, their workout regimen should progress as well. They should try to be more physically active – not necessarily in terms of intensity activeness but overall energy.


These are three mistakes many people make in taking care of their bones and joints as they age. Don’t be one of them.

Keep a close check on your orthopedic health. Visit the best orthopedic doctor in Kolkata for regular checkups.

Note, however, that even after taking proper care and precautions, you can still end up with problems or orthopedic disorders. The reasons could be plenty; your doctor would be able to explain that properly. If that happens, be open to the necessary treatments, including invasive surgeries. Don’t shy away from, say, visiting the best hip replacement surgeon in VIP road Kolkata; don’t say no to knee replacement. Work closely with your orthopedic doctor and seek proper treatment for whatever problem you have.



Working From Home: How To Avoid Back Pain?

Given the unprecedented situation that we’re in, a significant portion of the working-class population is working for home.

While WFH has its own advantages, it also comes with several health challenges that must be heeded to with utmost seriousness. Back pain is among those challenges.

Lacking the right desk and chair – that one is used to at the office – takes a toll on the spine. Furthermore, poor habits like working from the bed or slouching on the sofa make things even worse.

If you’re too working from home, here are five important tips to avoid back pain:

1. Say No To Anything But Desk And Chair

Your bed might be enticing. That comfy cushion-laden sofa might look very good. But you want to avoid them all.

You’re going to be sitting and working for many hours in the day.

You want to have an infrastructure that complements a good posture. Usually, a simple chair and desk is the ideal choice here.

2. Adjust The Positions

The screen should be at the same height as your eyes. Else you will have to slouch, which would also affect your neck, shoulder and, of course, back.

Furthermore, you want the mouse to be by the side so that your arms are relaxed and shoulders aren’t strained.

So, once you have your chair and desk in place, make changes to make the setup even more efficient and good for your back.

Maybe increase the height of the chair? Or put the monitor or laptop on the top of some books to make it level your eyes?

3. Take A Small Break Every 40 Minute

You don’t want to sit for long stretches. You need the blood circulation going.

So, after every 40-45 minute, get up and take a small break; 3-5 minutes is ideal. In this mini-break, stretch your muscles, move around a bit and then sit back.

4. (Consciously) Maintain The Right Posture

Unless you don’t hunch already, this is something that you have to remind yourself consciously…

Maintain the right posture.

Don’t hunch over. Don’t slide down and rest against the chair’s back support.

Sit straight. Focus also on your neck and shoulder. Relax your hands and legs in a natural position.

For the first few days, you will have to remind these to yourself until they become default.

5. Understand Your Body’s Needs

No matter how important the work is, if you aren’t feeling well, take a break.

Understand your body’s needs.

Do you feel your shoulder, neck, and back are hurting?Are your muscles feeling tense?If so, change your posture and position. Get up for some time and walk a bit.

In short, do look for signs and responses from your body. And then act accordingly.


These are five important tips to avoid back pain and have a healthier spine while you’re working from home.

In addition, of course, take proper care of your health.

Eat right, keep yourself hydrated all the time and, most importantly, get enough sleep. If you have a terrace or balcony, go and get some fresh air there. Get some sun exposure.

Invest just as much on your back and overall health, as you’re investing in your work.



5 Things Orthopedic Surgeons Want You To Know Before Surgery

Going for orthopedic surgery is a big decision – whether you have elected for it yourself or your doctor has recommended it to you.

Of course, before getting knifed, it’s essential to do your thorough research to know what exactly the procedure entails, what’s the aftermath of it, what kind of expectations you have, and so forth.

So, asking the right questions is of utmost importance.

When you visit an orthopedic clinic in Kolkata, you have must have a handful of questions ready to ask the professional and have all your queries resolved.

Here are five things the top 10 orthopedic surgeons in India possibly want you to know before the surgery:

1. There Could Be Alternative Treatments

Surgery isn’t the only way to go about here. In recent times, owing to the innovations, there now exists many alternative treatments.

So, do discuss with the clinician about the other ways to treat whatever problem you’re experiencing.
Consider the alternatives before opting for invasive treatment without thinking.

2. There’s No Such Thing As “100 Percent Safe”

No surgeries are 100 percent safe. Depending on the kind of surgery and the case that is being dealt with, there would always be some degree of risk.

But that said, the success rate of orthopedic surgeries is fairly high. Plus, we now have much better practices and equipment that ensure maximum safety and better result to the patients.

Talk with your doctor about the potential risks during and after the procedure.

3. Not All Orthopedic Surgeries Are Costly

Money is a big consideration for many patients. If you’re one of them, here’s a news…

Orthopedic surgeries aren’t as costly as they once were.

Of course, a lot depends on the kind of surgery it is and where you’re getting treated. However, in general, in recent times, invasive orthopedic treatment has become less costly.

When deciding which orthopedic clinic in Kolkata to visit, factor the fee of the clinician or surgeon who will see you.

4. Everything Depends On Your Aftercare

Surgeons can do everything and ensure the complete success of the procedure.

However, a lot – if not everything – depends on the aftercare.

If you aren’t taking proper care of yourself per the advice of the doctors, it’s going to do damage, making the surgical outcome less and less desired.

You might fail to see the desired results from the surgery that you were expecting.

So, apart from the surgery itself, also discuss with your doctor about the aftercare.

5. Stop Listening To Your Friends And Family

Different people have different opinions about surgeries and invasive treatments.

Some would scare you with stories that they have heard from others, others will recommend you home remedies.

Understand that even when they have the right intent, they aren’t qualified to be making any call about your orthopedic treatment; whether you should go for it or not, how safe it is, what you should do instead, and so forth.

At times like these, it’s best to listen to your doctor who has extensive experience and expertise. They know what’s right for you.


These are five things the top 10 orthopedic surgeons in India would likely want you to know before going for surgery.

As mentioned, it’s a big decision. So, it’s important that you consider all the little factors, ask your doctor the right questions, resolve your confusion, and get treated with the right mindset.

With the advancements we have made in this field, you can expect a fairly smooth and successful surgery. Whatever problem you have right now, in a few weeks, you will be much better.

Reference Blog: Patients Guide To Preparing For An Orthopedic Surgery



What You Need To Know About The Different Types of Hip Replacement Surgery?

When an individual suffers from hip pain or has met with an accident and failed to respond to the basic treatment methods, then a specialized hip surgery is advised by the doctors.

Depending on each patient’s pathological condition and anatomical presentation there are different types of hip surgery that can be carried out. Given in the blog below are three different types of hip surgeries that are commonly performed by the best hip replacement surgeon in Kolkata to treat orthopedic hip conditions.

Hip Replacement Surgery

This is commonly performed to treat hip conditions such as severe osteoarthritis and hip fractures. When your hip has become extremely painful or stiff to the point where it is limiting your ability to complete normal daily activities, and the severity of hip damage does not allow for surgical options, then a total hip arthroplasty can be a safe and effective operation to help decrease pain and restore hip function.


There are two main approaches to this:

  • Posterior approach

This type of hip surgery involves the surgeon creating a 4-6 inches of incision along the outer buttock, the splitting of the gluteus maximus muscle, and the detaching (and later reattaching of the piriformis muscle and the superior gemeli muscle (2 hip rotator muscles).

The head of the femur is removed and a metal stem is placed in the hollow part of the femur which is followed by the placement of a metal or ceramic ball on the top of the stem that acts as the new head of the femur. Then the acetabulum (socket) of the hip joint is removed and replaced with a new metal socket.

  • Anterior approach

With this type of hip replacement surgery the surgeon actually makes an incision on the front part of the upper thigh, although there is no need to cut through muscle. The removal of the damaged joint and then the addition of the implants is similar to the posterior approach.

This approach may allow for an earlier return to activities and a significant decrease in the risk of dislocation.

Hip Preservation Surgery/Hip Arthroscopy

Hip arthroscopy is one type of hip surgery that may be performed when the hip joint damage is not that severe enough to warrant a hip replacement, but the patients still have significant pain despite the conservative treatment.

During hip arthroscopy, a camera (arthroscope) is inserted into the hip joint through a very small incision. Once the problem is identified, other instruments are inserted into the hip joint through separate small incisions and are used to correct the problem.

Therefore, if you’re looking for a good orthopedic doctor in Kolkata, make sure to contact the help desk of one of the popular clinics in the city. The team of experts will diagnose the orthopedic issue and treat it accordingly.




Does Drinking Less Water Affects Your Bone And Joints?

You know that 60 percent of the adult human body makes of water. But did you also know that healthy bones contain around 31 percent water? So, while people keep self hydrated to improve kidney function and boost psychological state, in the process, they are also enhancing their orthopedic health.

Why It’s Important?

Drinking sufficient water plays a significant role in the well being of your bones and joints. In fact, lack of proper hydration can lead to several of the orthopedic problems, like osteoporosis and musculoskeletal conditions, which worsens as the person gets older.

  • For the starters, water helps keep the joints lubricated. It avoids our cartilages grinding against each other, which keeps wear and tear at bay. Moreover, lubrication also provides a cushion, absorbing the shock of sudden movements. This prevents injuries.
  • Well-known, our bones need calcium and other key nutrients to stay in a healthier condition. Now, of course, having a diet rich in such nutrients is important. However, what if these nutrients fail to reach the bones? Of course, the bones will get nutritionally deficient, losing mass and strength. Water is essential to carry calcium and other nutrients throughout the body and make up for the lost minerals, which happens naturally. (Note: If you believe you’re nutritionally-deficient and are experiencing a problem for that,get in touch with the best orthopedic surgeon in Bangur today.
  • Toxins in our body, if not removed, built up in the bones. This manifests in several problems, including inflammation, weakening, and loss in bone density. Water is needed here to wash away these toxins.
  • Our bones also have several of other tasks aside from providing us a skeletal structure. For example, the marrow in bones produces red blood cells, which adds strength and mass to the bones. Water plays an important role here.


These are some ways how water plays a critical role in our orthopedic health. Of course, drinking enough water isn’t an absolute measure and doesn’t guarantee to get rid of bone and joint-related problems. It isn’t a miraculous practice that assures to have everything right. However, it is one of those little steps that can take you a long way, possibly ensuring you less orthopedic problems as you get older.

Drink More Water

So, if you aren’t already in the habit of drinking enough water, you might want to do that starting today. It can keep your bones and joints in a healthier condition. This is even more important as we approach summer when people get dehydrated easily.

How much water should you drink? It really depends on various factors, including your lifestyle, physical activity, weather, and your weight. As a general rule, aim to drink 2 liters of water every day! At the same time, lookout for the signs of dehydration; like yellow pee, dizzy feeling, lack of energy, irritability, dry skin, and sunken eyes.

In case if you’re experiencing any bone and joint-related problems, get in touch with a good orthopedic surgeon in Kolkata and get treated.




Pain Management

Pain is one of the most common reason for visit to a doctor or hospital. Pain itself is a very complex subject with numerous research on it. Studies have shown that it’s an integral part of our survival. It’s a warning signal by our body which compels us to find and treat the cause.

However in certain situations this pain becomes counter-productive. There is a significant loss of function accompanying pain. This is where adequate intervention is required.

There is no single method to abolish pain. Treatment is targeted to cure the underlying cause. Common causes of chronic pain in orthopedics:

  • Neck Pain
  • Back Pain, Spine Pain and Radiculopathy
  • Slip Disc, Spondylitis, Spinal Stenosis
  • Chronic Pain following back or neck surgery
  • RSD—Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy
  • Muscle Pain, Body Pain
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Adhesive capsulitis (Frozen Shoulder)
  • Knee pain
  • Heel pain (Plantar Fasciitis)

Our pain management team works tirelessly to find and treat the root cause of your pain.