
Does Drinking Less Water Affects Your Bone And Joints?

You know that 60 percent of the adult human body makes of water. But did you also know that healthy bones contain around 31 percent water? So, while people keep self hydrated to improve kidney function and boost psychological state, in the process, they are also enhancing their orthopedic health.

Why It’s Important?

Drinking sufficient water plays a significant role in the well being of your bones and joints. In fact, lack of proper hydration can lead to several of the orthopedic problems, like osteoporosis and musculoskeletal conditions, which worsens as the person gets older.

  • For the starters, water helps keep the joints lubricated. It avoids our cartilages grinding against each other, which keeps wear and tear at bay. Moreover, lubrication also provides a cushion, absorbing the shock of sudden movements. This prevents injuries.
  • Well-known, our bones need calcium and other key nutrients to stay in a healthier condition. Now, of course, having a diet rich in such nutrients is important. However, what if these nutrients fail to reach the bones? Of course, the bones will get nutritionally deficient, losing mass and strength. Water is essential to carry calcium and other nutrients throughout the body and make up for the lost minerals, which happens naturally. (Note: If you believe you’re nutritionally-deficient and are experiencing a problem for that,get in touch with the best orthopedic surgeon in Bangur today.
  • Toxins in our body, if not removed, built up in the bones. This manifests in several problems, including inflammation, weakening, and loss in bone density. Water is needed here to wash away these toxins.
  • Our bones also have several of other tasks aside from providing us a skeletal structure. For example, the marrow in bones produces red blood cells, which adds strength and mass to the bones. Water plays an important role here.


These are some ways how water plays a critical role in our orthopedic health. Of course, drinking enough water isn’t an absolute measure and doesn’t guarantee to get rid of bone and joint-related problems. It isn’t a miraculous practice that assures to have everything right. However, it is one of those little steps that can take you a long way, possibly ensuring you less orthopedic problems as you get older.

Drink More Water

So, if you aren’t already in the habit of drinking enough water, you might want to do that starting today. It can keep your bones and joints in a healthier condition. This is even more important as we approach summer when people get dehydrated easily.

How much water should you drink? It really depends on various factors, including your lifestyle, physical activity, weather, and your weight. As a general rule, aim to drink 2 liters of water every day! At the same time, lookout for the signs of dehydration; like yellow pee, dizzy feeling, lack of energy, irritability, dry skin, and sunken eyes.

In case if you’re experiencing any bone and joint-related problems, get in touch with a good orthopedic surgeon in Kolkata and get treated.




Pain Management

Pain is one of the most common reason for visit to a doctor or hospital. Pain itself is a very complex subject with numerous research on it. Studies have shown that it’s an integral part of our survival. It’s a warning signal by our body which compels us to find and treat the cause.

However in certain situations this pain becomes counter-productive. There is a significant loss of function accompanying pain. This is where adequate intervention is required.

There is no single method to abolish pain. Treatment is targeted to cure the underlying cause. Common causes of chronic pain in orthopedics:

  • Neck Pain
  • Back Pain, Spine Pain and Radiculopathy
  • Slip Disc, Spondylitis, Spinal Stenosis
  • Chronic Pain following back or neck surgery
  • RSD—Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy
  • Muscle Pain, Body Pain
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Adhesive capsulitis (Frozen Shoulder)
  • Knee pain
  • Heel pain (Plantar Fasciitis)

Our pain management team works tirelessly to find and treat the root cause of your pain.


ACL Reconstruction


Timely and effective treatment of ACL injuries eliminates complications and boosts recovery time. So, don’t stay hung to your sprain for long – hoping that it would get better automatically or through your home remedies. Take the hands of HealMyBones, treat your sprain the right way, and get back to your regular life in no time.

HealMyBones is one of the most trusted destinations for a wide range of orthopedic problems. Dr. Manoj Kumar Khemani is a well-renowned orthopedic surgeon and clinician, specializing in ACL replacement and treatment.

What Are ACL Injuries?

The ACL, or Anterior Cruciate Ligament, is a crucial knee ligament that plays a significant role in providing rotational stability to the knee and preventing the shinbone (tibia) from slipping out in front of the thighbone (femur).

Sudden movements or abrupt changes in position commonly cause ACL injuries. During these moments, the ligament can tear either partially, near-completely, or completely. The severity of the injury is graded, taking into consideration factors such as the extent of the tear, the individual’s age, and overall health. This grading system aids doctors in determining the most appropriate treatment for the patient.

ACL Injuries Causes

Athletes are prone to ACL injuries. While playing, practicing or involved in any physical activity, they are more likely to awkwardly twist their knees. People who lead a sedentary lifestyle are just as much at risk though. The common causes of ACL injuries include suddenly changing directions, landing clumsily from a jump, getting hit on the knee by someone or something, and abruptly stopping.

Typically, when someone has sprained a ligament, they would hear a pop – or at least feel it. There would be intense pain, which will hinder range of motion and mobility. The spot will swell quickly. Knee will fail to bear the body’s weight.

ACL Injuries: Diagnosis and Treatment

A good orthopedic doctor would be able to tell the type of injury through physical examination. But to estimate the nature or severity of the injury, the person would usually be asked to get an x-ray done. In certain cases, MRI might be done too to better understand the case.

After proper diagnosis, the doctor would provide the right treatment. At times, brace and physical therapy might be adequate. However, generally, the patient would have to go through surgery. Fortunately, courtesy of all the advancements we have seen in the field and the technology we now have, such surgeries are least invasive.

Arthroscopy is a minimally invasive surgical treatment where an arthroscope (endoscope) is inserted in the joint through a small incision and the damage is fixed. It has a high success rate. Moreover, the recovery time following arthroscopy is relatively quicker, taking anywhere between six and nine months.

Contact Dr. Manoj Kumar Khemani

Dr. Manoj Kumar Khemani is an experienced orthopedic clinician and surgeon. Touting years of experience, he has treated over 8,500 patients to date. He has handled countless cases of ACL injuries – some of them quite challenging. Owing to his extensive expertise and experience, he is now a life member of the Indian Medical Association and Indian Orthopedic Association.

So, don’t run into the conclusion that you need ACL replacement. Don’t delay the treatment of your injury. Don’t head to a general doctor. Take the hands of a specialist. Contact Dr. Manoj Kumar Khemani.If you have any question, feel free to ask. Use this contact page to find contact details.Here are the details of his clinic address and appointment timing.


Rickets and Osteomalacia


Rickets is a bone disease seen in children with severe vitamin D deficiency. Children with rickets have weak and soft bones, stunted growth, and, in severe cases, skeletal deformities like abnormal bowing of legs.

Some studies show that over 70% Indian population suffer from vitamin D deficiency.

How is rickets diagnosed?

Rickets can be diagnosed clinically and with simple blood tests and x-rays.

Treatment for rickets

Effects of rickets on bone can be reversed if treatment is started early. Treatment consists of high dose of vitamin D supplemented with calcium. Bracing of the joints can sometimes help in achieving correction.

Once the child matures the bony deformities become permanent. In these cases the only treatment is to do operative correction.


Vitamin D is important for absorption of calcium from our intestine and depositing it in our bones. Lack of vitamin D invariably causes defect in mineralization of our bones.

This leads to softning of the bones which is prone to fractures. In early stages there may not be any symptoms. With the progress of the disease there may be dull aching body pain, lack of energy, muscular pain etc. In some cases the bones become very soft and fractures easily.

Diagnosis of osteomalacia:

It can be easily diagnosed by blood test estimating vitamin D.

X-rays can show small cracks in the bones throughout your body. These cracks are called Looser’s transformation zones. Fractures can begin there with even small injuries.

What is the treatment:

Treatment is aimed at correcting the vitamin D levels in the body. Vitamin D supplements are now available in many forms including tablets, capsules, powder, liquid and injection.

In most patients weekly high dose is given for a few weeks to rebuild vitamin D store quickly. Following which a daily or monthly maintenance dose is recommended.

Dr. Manoj Kumar Khemani has over 10 years’ experience in diagnosing and treating vitamin D deficiency.


Vitamin B12 deficiency

Vitamin B12: A tonic for your nerves.

Vitamin B12 (also called Cobalamin) is a water soluble vitamin, essential for proper functioning of our nervous system and formation of red blood cells. Vitamin B12 deficiency is common in Indian population especially people on strictly vegetarian diet.

In 2012 Times of India reported that upto 80% Indian population may be suffering from vitamin B12 deficiency.

What causes it’s deficiency?

Vitamin B12 is found in non-vegetarian food (meat, eggs, fish), milk and dairy products. As because it’s found in animal source only, vegetarians are especially prone to it’s deficiency. Over cooking of food can also lead to loss of this vitamin.

Sometimes there may be defect in absorption of this vitamin from our stomach. This can also lead to it’s deficiency.

Effects of vitamin B12 deficiency:

Vitamin B12 is crucial to the normal function of the brain and the nervous system. It is also involved in the formation of red blood cells and helps to create and regulate DNA.

The metabolism of every cell in the body depends on vitamin B12, as it plays a part in the synthesis of fatty acids and energy production. Vitamin B12 enables the release of energy by helping the human body absorb folic acid.

Symptoms of deficiency can be very vague and often misdiagnosed as other disease. Common symptoms are fatigue, skin pigmentation, memory loss, tingling in the limbs, cramps, giddiness, palpitations, mouth ulcers and loss of energy.

Vitamin B12 deficiency can cause a severe form of anemia called Pernicious anemia.Deficiency of Vitamin D has been linked with deficiency of vitamin B12


It can be diagnosed by testing B12 level in blood. However in some cases it may be within normal range.Serum homocysteine and methylmalonic acid levels are considered more reliable indicators of B12 deficiency than the concentration of B12 in blood. The levels of these substances are high in B12 deficiency and can be helpful if the diagnosis is unclear.


Treatment is aimed at correcting the vitamin B12 levels in the body. Vitamin B12 supplements are available in several forms. B12 is safe to be given in high doses under medical supervision.


Total Elbow Replacement

What is total elbow replacement?

The elbow is a complex hinge joint which is made up of three bones:

  • The humerus (upper arm bone)
  • The ulna (forearm bone on the little finger side)
  • The radius (forearm bone on the thumb side)

Elbow replacement is an operation where the diseased elbow joint is replaced with an artificial metallic joint. This operation is similar to hip or knee joint replacement although its much less common.

What is this done?

This operation is done in cases where there is severe painful irreversible arthritis in the elbow limiting day to day activities.

Common indications are:

Is it as successful as a knee replacement?

A lot of research and countless modifications have made modern artificial elbow designs much better than initial designs. An elbow replacement is now expected to last for many years. However the longevity of the implant is dependent upon many patient factors too. Therefore success rates of elbow replacement are not as promising as a knee replacement or hip replacement. However even with this factor in mind it is sometimes the best treatment option for selected patients. Future research is promising in this field.


Hip and Knee Arthritis

A Normal Joint

A joint is where two or more bones meet. A joint allows your bones to move freely but within controlled limits.

To prevent friction and erosion of bone the ends of your bones are coated with a layer of tough, slippery tissue called cartilage. Cartilage acts a bit like a shock absorber to spread the load more evenly across your joint. Also most joints have a small amount of synovial fluid in them which acts like a lubricant.
Your knees have extra rings of cartilage between the bones. These are called menisci.


What is Osteoarthritis?

It is a medical condition that affects your joints. In osteoarthritis (Sometimes called OA), there is gradual degradation of the joint cartilage due to wear and tear. A variety of causes like hereditary, developmental, mechanical and metabolic – initiate a process of cartilage degradation. As this process continues, the cartilage loses its ability to act as shock absorber. At some places there may be so much wear that the underlying bone becomes exposed and starts rubbing against each other. This causes pain and stiffness and its difficult to use the joint. There is also loss of structure and function of the supporting ligaments and muscles , causing instability.

It’s the most common type of arthritis commonly affecting the hip, knee and spine. However any joint can be affected. The chance of osteoarthritis in a joint increases with age. Most people above the age of 60 get osteoarthritis to some degree

What are the signs and symptoms?

Pain in the affected joint is the commonest symptom. Joint pain of osteoarthritis is usually worse later in the day. There can be swelling, warmth, and creaking noise in the affected joints. Pain and stiffness of the joints can also occur after long periods of inactivity (for example, sitting in a theater, getting up from bed in the morning etc.). In severe osteoarthritis, there can be pain even at rest or pain with limited motion and walking can become extremely difficult.

OA in the fingers and hands can limit fine movements. In the spine it can cause persistent neck or back pain.

Diagnosis of osteoarthritis

Diagnosis is straightforward based on :

  • Your description of symptoms
  • Physical examination by your physician
  • X-Rays
  • MRI

Sometimes your doctor may prescribe blood tests to make sure you don’t have other type of arthritis.

Types of Osteoarthritis

1. Primary : Occurring due to normal wear and tear of a joint.

2. Secondary : Due to an underlying cause like —

  • Inflammatory diseases / arthritis, such as rheumatoid arthritis
  • Previous Injury
  • Obesity
  • Inactivity or sedentary lifestyle
  • Genetic

Treatment of osteoarthritis

Early Stages – (Grade 1)

Osteoarthritis treatment depends on the grade of disease progression. In early stages the treatment comprises of a combination of-

  • Exercises
  • Physical therapy
  • Nutritional supplements
  • Weight loss
  • Medicines
  • Hot and cold compress
  • Application of pain reliving ointments / gels / oils

Intermediate Stages – (Grade 2, Grade 3)

With the progress of the disease your doctor may prescribe injection of medications into the joint. These can be either steroid injections or specialized gel formulations.

Late Stages – (Grade 4)

Surgery may be helpful to relieve pain when other treatment options have not been effective.

Both Hip replacement surgery and Knee replacement surgery have shown excellent long term results in treatment of severe arthritis.

The type of treatment will depend on several factors, including your age, occupation, activities , overall health, medical history, location of your osteoarthritis, and severity of the condition.


3 Tips To Help Your Kids Develop Stronger Bones

As a parent, among a host of responsibilities, you must also ensure your kids develop stronger bones. After all, it’s one of the most fundamental parts of living a physically healthier life.

There are many things you can do to make that happen.

Here are three tips for the parents to help their kids build healthier bones:

1. Get Them Interested In Any Sport

The objective is to get them physically active. Signing them up to any sports club is a great idea.

So, whichever is your kids’ favorite sport, get them to join a relevant club/academy. Basketball, football, cricket, boxing – it could be anything as long as it’s physically intensive.

Staying physically active is important. The stress our bones sustain enables them to grow and gain strength.

So, help your kids live an active lifestyle from then get.

2. Focus On Their Calcium And Vitamin D Intake

Calcium is one of the most important minerals for us. Lacking in it will make our bones weaker and more prone to injuries.

In addition, for our body to absorb calcium from foods, we need vitamin D.

So, at large, your kids need calcium and vitamin D in a sufficient amount to develop stronger bones.

Get them more of foods that are rich in both. You might even have to put them on dietary supplements. Consult a top orthopedic doctor in Kolkata before getting any pill or powder.


3. Keep Them Away From Unhealthy Foods

Ensuring that they are eating healthy foods is one of the best things you can do for your kids’ health and future.

Keep them away from highly processed foods like white bread, pizza, sugary drinks, chips, French fries, ice cream, processed cheese, and other fast-food meals. Lagging in essential nutrients, these items rid bones of what’s needed to grow and get stronger.

On the contrary, there are some food items that are very good for bones’ health. It includes salmon tuna, sardine, yogurt, milk, beans, eggs, spinach, collard greens, lettuce, and other leafy greens.

Include more of these healthy items to their everyday meals.


These are three tips for parents to help their kids build stronger bones.

Of course, all said, it’s essential that you lead by example. Focus on your own health and your kids will learn from that.

Take care of your bones. Adopt the right habits to build strength. If you have any problem, visit a good orthopedic doctor or the best hip replacement surgeon in VIP road Kolkata.



5 Daily Habits For Healthy Bones (And Happier Life)

There’s no magical pill that casts a one-off spell and fixes everything. The path to healthier bones and happier life is progressive that demands consistent efforts on your end.

This is where habits help.

Having a proper daily habit prevents you from health problems and enables you with healthier bones. And this ends up making the biggest difference in your lifestyle when you’re in your 40s, 50s, 60s and onward.

So, have you been reluctant to the health of your bones and joints, it’s time to change that.

Adopt these five daily habits to build healthy bones and happier life in the long run:

1. Start Walking (Or Running) More

You knew this was coming!

We all know just how important is walking or running for our bones. The exerted stress on the legs caused by the shifting weight of the body stimulates the bones, helping them get stronger.

So, start walking more. Whenever you get the opportunity, walk instead of taking motorcycle,  rickshaw or Uber.

In addition, make some time to run every day in the morning.

2. Lift Some Weights

Give up your “I don’t have time” excuse. You can easily spare 10-20 minutes every day to do some strength training.

Invest in home equipment and lift weights. The stress built by the push-pull of the muscles enables our bone tissue to build stronger fibers.

This, in the long run, helps the bones get tougher, which are more resistant to basic injuries.

So, you don’t have to rush to a ligament specialist doctor in Kolkata every month because you carelessly twisted your ankle.

3. Add Right Food To Your Meals

Physical activities play a relatively smaller role in the well being of your bones and overall health.

Your diet is the most important thing. If you’re not eating right, no matter how much you work out, you won’t see the desired health.

Now, there are some foods that are particularly good for the bones. It includes dark leafy greens and vegetables, yogurt, salmon, walnuts, beans, milk, sardines, eggs, tuna, fortified cereal and more.

These items pack rich nutrients that are good for our bones and joints.

4. Get More Sunlight

Calcium is the most important mineral for our bones. However, just getting calcium isn’t sufficient. Our body needs Vitamin D to absorb this mineral from foods.

So, foremost, you need to get Vitamin D. And what better to get this vitamin from than sun?!

Sunlight is the richest source of this Vitamin.

Hit outdoors and get enough of sun exposure every day.

Recommended Read: Not Getting Enough Sun? You Might Be Hurting Your Bones

5. Start Taking Supplements

Sometimes foods aren’t sufficient in getting the nutrients that our body requires. Dietary supplementation becomes important.

So, to get adequate calcium, vitamin D, protein and other nutrients that are essential for bones, you should start taking supplements.

Of course, don’t buy any pill or powder based on what you read online.

Consult a good orthopedic doctor before taking any supplements. They will provide you insights on your unique requirement, helping you make the right choice here.


These are five basic daily habits that will help you achieve stronger bones and a happier life in the long run.

Remember, you’re never too old or too young to take care of your bones and joints. So, start taking the necessary steps from today. Small strides forward will add up to make a big difference in the months and years to come. And the old-you will thank you for the action you take today.

If you need any help, if you have any bone or joint-related problem, please get in touch with the best orthopedic surgeon in Bangur, Kolkata to seek adequate treatment.
