
Not Getting Enough Sun? You Might Be Hurting Your Bones

Get 25-Hydroxy Vitamin D test done today and you might find you’re vitamin D deficient.

This isn’t surprising for the renowned orthopedic surgeons in Kestopur who see such cases often. Due to lack of sun exposure and poor diets, a lot of people now have this essential nutrient in critically low amount in their bodies. And this is one of the biggest reasons why they experience bone and joint-related problems, including bone-thinning disease osteoporosis.

The Need For “Sunshine Vitamin”

Calcium is an important nutrient that strengthens our bones and slows down the bone-loss process as we age. So, it’s essential to have our diet rich in calcium. The recommended level is 1,000 mg a day until you’re 50 years old; past that age, you should consume 1,200 mg a day of calcium.

Now, here comes an interesting part: calcium requires help to be absorbed by the intestines. Majorly, it requires help from vitamin D. Activated by parathyroid hormone, vitamin D increases the amount of calcium absorbed by the intestines. Meaning, a shortage in this key nutrient would mean the bones aren’t getting enough calcium to build strength and mobility. This would lead to bone weakness, pain and several other conditions.

How To Get More Vitamin D?

So, to keep your bones and joints in a healthy condition, you must get vitamin D in an adequate amount. But how?

There’s a reason why this nutrient is also called Sunshine Vitamin. Our body, when exposed to sunlight, makes vitamin D naturally. So, the best way to boost the nutrient is to get enough of the sun. About 20 minutes of sunlight twice a week (without any sunscreen) is sufficient. But, of course, too much of sun rays can even cause skin cancer; so this is something you must pay heed to too.

In addition, you can get vitamin D also through a proper diet. Foods like salmon, mackerel, cheese, mushrooms, egg yolks and more are rich with this nutrient.

In case, if your vitamin D level is very low, your doctor may even put you on supplements.

Keep Your Bones Healthy

By the age of 30, our bones reach the peak mass. Following, as we grow old, bones lose their mass, thinning out. To prevent significant bone loss, we must take proper measures. One of them includes getting sufficient calcium, which helps bones stay strong and flexible. Calcium, however, requires vitamin D to be absorbed by the intestines.

So, audit and see how much vitamin D your body has and is getting every day. Visit a good orthopedic clinic in Sreebhumi Kolkata, get checked by the doctor for bone and joint-related problems, get appropriate tests done, and then make immediate efforts to improve. If you’re young, vitamin D deficiency might not look too troublesome. However, it becomes critical as you age. So, act today and save your 50s, 60s, 70s, and 80s from pain, fractures and diseases.




Bones “Feel” Weaker? You Should Know Everything About Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is a condition in which the quality and density of bones are reduced. So, your bones become weaker and stiff.

There are many common symptoms of osteoporosis. It includes, but isn’t limited to, back pain, loss of height, frequent fractures, and a bent posture. In the early stages of bone loss, you might not necessarily notice these signs. However, as the disease progresses, it gets quite severe to an extent that even a sneeze can break your affected bones.

So, even if you suspect a slight bone pain, it’s essential to visit a good orthopedic doctor in Kolkata and get checked. It might not necessarily be osteoporosis, but then it could be. Seeking proper (and timely) treatment would not only help prevent bone loss but also strengthen the weaker bones.

For diagnosis, apart from physical examination, as well as considering various risk factors, your doctor would also get you to do DEXA or Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry.

Now, depending on the reason for your osteoporosis (or its growing symptoms), as well as distinct factors, the course of action could vary. There’s a range of treatment or preventive measures your doctor might recommend.

One of the common ones includes putting you on a supplement for vitamin D. With our outdoor activities now limited and we appetizing ourselves with poor foods, most of us aren’t getting enough of “sunshine vitamin” – a type of vitamin that our body requires to effectively process the calcium and strengthen the bones. Before, however, recommending you supplements, the doctor may ask you to get 25-Hydroxy Vitamin D test done.

Expectedly, you would also be recommended to make lifestyle changes and adopt a healthier diet. You must exercise every day; even a moderate amount counts. Plus, if you’re overweight, you must take up an intensive regimen to lose weight.

With the right intervention, Osteoporosis can be dealt with effectively, ensuring you a healthier and happier life. But this calls in for proactive efforts on your end to identify the problem, get diagnosed correctly, and then take adequate measures to improve the condition.

So, if you’re experiencing any pain and discomfort in your bones and joints, don’t be reluctant to it. Visit the right doctor. “Right” is a key here; don’t Google “best knee replacement surgeon in Kestopur” and visit her/him; find someone who actually specializes in osteoporosis.



A Short Guide For Athletes To Keep Their Bones, Joints Healthy

When playing any intensive sports like football and hockey, it’s common to get injured. You made an uncalled tackle and tore ligaments; or, maybe you tripped, fell, and fractured your knee. And it’s now time to visit an orthopedic surgeon in Bangur.

So, it’s essential for the athletes to take preventive measures and necessary steps so as to keep self guarded against injuries. The first and most fundamental part of that process is to actually invest in making the bones and joints stronger. After all, there’s very little control you have in how your opponents counter you – but you sure can control how your body reacts to that counter tackle. If your bones and joints are strong enough, you can sufficiently consume even big blows or accidents.

What now?

Now, how do you strengthen your bones and joints? It’s easier said than done. After all, it’s far from just popping a pill every day. Moreover, it takes a lot of time. If you have weak knees, it’s going to take a lot of time to get in the desired shape that you have in mind. The first step is getting your diet correct.

Give your everyday meals a hard look. Then cut back on junk and unhealthy foods. Say ‘no’ to sugary snacks, legumes, inflammatory foods, red meat, alcohol, caffeine, high-sodium foods, and soda. Replace them with items that are better for our bones and joints. It includes eggs, sardines, salmon, tuna, organic juice, collard greens, spinach, milk, yogurt, and more. Generally, you want to eat foods that are high in protein, have anti-inflammatory properties, and pack calcium and vitamin D in an adequate amount.

Keep track

Furthermore, you must keep track of your daily nutrient intake. When trying to strengthen your bones and joints, all kinds of nutrients are essential. So, your meals must have them all in the needed quantity.

Measuring your nutrients and calories intake is also a key part of weight management. And weight management is necessary to give your skeletal structure the right strength. If you’re overweight, it will put stress on your joints, increasing the risk factors of fractures and osteoporosis. So, when trying to avoid injuries, you must keep keen eyes on your weight scale. If it’s higher, you must adopt a regiment that focuses on weight loss.

Away from proper diet and weight management, you must exercise well. Given you’re an athlete, you’re likely in a better physical condition – and that you work out already. However, there are certain exercises that are better for the strength of your bones and joints. Try weightlifting, yoga, brisk walking, and Tai chi. Take up exercises that improve flexibility. Try different types of stretches that loosen individual muscles in your body; like an upper back stretch, shoulder stretch, side stretch, hip stretch, hamstring stretch and more.

Practice, Practice, Practice

The last broad step, needless to say, of course, is to get better at whatever sport you’re in. The more skilled and experienced you are, the better you will know how to make the right tackles, how to move properly, how to counter the opponents and, hence, how to avoid the avoidable injuries. So, practice – with the right gear on. And then practice some more. Get better at the sport.

These are some of the ways of how an athlete can make their bones and joints stronger, as well as steer away from possible injuries. Take adequate measures and keep yourself on the safer side. If you do encounter any injury, go and see a good ligament specialist doctor in Kolkata.



3 Mistakes Mothers Make In Treating Their Child’s Sports Injuries

You want your kids to stay in good health from the go. Great! But, in that department, your responsibilities stretch far beyond enrolling them in a sports academy. Kids sustain sports injuries often. Still under-developed and not strong enough, sprains, bruises, fractures, and concussions are common.

It’s your foremost task to ensure your little ones don’t sustain injuries in the first place through preventive measures. Next, when they do get injured, you must know what exactly needs to be done.

In that context, here are three mistakes the mothers make in treating their kids’ sports injuries:

1. Wasting Time In Home Remedies

When it comes to your kids, you don’t want to spend too much time on home remedies. Unlike the adults, they can’t exactly tell you how serious the problem feels. And if it’s really something serious, by delaying it from getting the right treatment, you’re only making the situation worse.

So, if your kids have sustained any sports injury, even when it “looks” something not serious, take them to a top orthopedic doctor in Kolkata. If you notice other symptoms like headaches, dizziness, slurred speech, and loss of balance, show more urgency.

2. Not Picking The Right Doctor

This is quite common. In reality, when your kid has sustained any sports injury, you want to take them to an orthopedic doctor that specializes in sports injuries and with kids –not someone who’s known as the best spine surgeon in Lake Town.

So, do thorough research to pick a specialist that has extensive experience in pediatrics; someone who knows how to effectively deal with sports injuries. Not that a generic orthopedic professional can’t handle such cases. But you’re more likely to find better treatment at the specialists. Moreover, if there’s something serious, you would anyway be recommended to a specialist.

3. Losing their patience often

The test isn’t just for the kids but also for the parents. When they are injured, it could be quite overwhelming for the mothers. The treatment might be a bit discomforting at the beginning. Plus, no matter the kind of injury, it would require a significant recovery period.

Owing to the kids’ frequent mood changes, additional demands and lack of effective care for the injury – getting frustrated is given. But during such tough times, it’s essential that you keep your patience and maintain composure. You have to take care of them. So, you must be in the right frame of mind.


These are three very common mistakes the mothers make during the treatment and recovery of their kids’ sports injuries. Don’t be one of them.

It could be disheartening to see your little one like this. But understand that she/he is brave enough – and so should you.



How Would You Know If You Need Knee Replacement Surgery?

Every year, over 600,000 knee replacement surgeries are performed globally, making this procedure increasingly prevalent. Surprisingly, many individuals opt to endure pain and an unsatisfactory lifestyle due to concerns about potential risks and ineffective outcomes, rather than seeking proper treatment. Don’t become one of them!

Thanks to recent technological advancements and the availability of state-of-the-art equipment, knee replacement surgery is now exceptionally safe. Furthermore, by choosing the best knee replacement surgeon in Kestopur, you can have full confidence in the restoration of your knee’s optimal function.

Suggested Reading: “Knee Replacement and Comprehensive Insights Into the Procedure

Still Confused?

If you’re confused, still carrying the hope that your knee problem would just vanish, here are the evident signs that you must opt for surgery before things get worse:

  • You have run out of all possible home remedies and there’s still no improvement in your condition.
  • You’re having serious trouble walking and climbing stairs. You’re in pain to an extent that you don’t want to move.
  • The knee pain keeps you awake the whole night. And this is keeping you sleepy and tired the rest of the day.
  • The knee hurts after work out or after even the basic physical activities.
  • The pain comes often or is non-stop.
  • Medications aren’t delivering you any sufficient relief from the pain.
  • You aren’t as physically fit and active as you want to be.
  • There are stiffness and other symptoms, hindering your mobility.
  • The knee problem is hampering other ends of your life. For instance, you have to think twice about the pain before going to the movies.
  • A good orthopedic doctor has recommended you to go for knee replacement.

These are 10 very common signs that you should get knee replacement.

Delaying the process is only making your life even worse. Keep aside the often irrational fears and objections, and you can easily do away from the knee pain and all the related problems.

Get in touch with the best knee replacement surgeon in Kestopur and trust them to deliver you the best treatment.



In The 20s And With Knee Pain? Here’s What You Should Do

Knee pain among young adults is more common than what many believe. In fact, as many as 1 in 3 young adults experience knee pain at some time or other.

If you’re one of them, relax – you’re not alone.

Coming to treating knee pain, above all, the reason behind it must be diagnosed.

Knee Pain Causes

There could be plenty of knee pain causes in the young population. The most common one is, of course, injury. You could have injured your knee. And you don’t necessarily have to be an athlete, as is prevalently assumed. A person with a sedentary lifestyle is just as much at risk as those who partake in rigorous physical activities.

You may have sustained ACL injury, fracture, patellar tendinitis, knee bursitis or something else. The pain could also be a result of several mechanical problems like dislocated knee cap, hip pain, and Iliotibial band syndrome.

Other Symptoms

Along with pain in the knee, depending on the cause, you may also experience swelling, stiffness, redness on the spot, crunching noises, as well as several other symptoms.

You’re usually recommended to visit a good orthopedic doctor in Kolkata to get treated. However, if the pain isn’t intense and other symptoms are absent, you can try different home remedies that can heal the problem.

Home Remedies

Basic home remedies for knee pain include doing strengthening exercises, getting a massage, focusing on losing weight, adopting a healthier diet, applying ice compression, and investing in support knee caps.

To deal with the pain, you can take OTC medications too.

Watch this video:-

Visit an Orthopedic Doctor

Even after days of home remedies, if the knee pain hasn’t gotten any better, visit a reputed orthopedic surgeon or clinician. After the physical examination, the doctor will likely recommend you to get an x-ray done. In rare cases, for accurate diagnosis, you may even be asked to get a CT scan, MRI and/or ultrasound done.

Depending on how the diagnosis goes, the course of action will be decided. Generally, the doctor would prescribe you medicine and outline a plan for lifestyle changes that you must make. You may even be sent for physiotherapy.

If the cause for your knee pain is complex, you might also be suggested for injections and surgical treatment.


All said though, knee pain among young adults is common. The majority of the cases are not serious and can be treated within weeks. Even if the underlying problem is big, early diagnosis and effective treatment can make the biggest difference.

So, if you’re experiencing knee pain and you have finally run out home remedies, book your appointment for a good orthopedic doctor in Kolkata today.

Audio Version :- In The 20s And With Knee Pain? Here’s What You Should Do



Prevent Broken Bones And Joint Injuries: 5 Tips To Stay Safe In 2020

You don’t necessarily have to be an athlete to get a sprained ankle or fractured knee.

During your Netflix marathon, you got up to get water and you twisted your ankle.

Rushing to cross the road before it’s green for the cars, you tripped, fell and broke your knee.

Bone and joint-related injuries are common and can happen when you least expect them. Since they can obstruct your daily life and sometimes come with a hefty cost (and not to forget the pain and inconvenience they cause), it’s essential you do all to prevent them.

Here are 5 tips to prevent broken bones and joint injuries to stay safe and healthy in 2020:

1. Say Goodbye To Your Sedentary Lifestyle

Your sedentary lifestyle is doing you more damage than you may realize. It’s weakening your bones, joints, and muscles, significantly increasing the risk factors of injuries.

So, if you spend most of your time sitting and lying on the bed, you want to change that in 2020. Get physically active.

2. Build Muscles

Skeletal muscles around the bones and joints act as their shield. They provide stability to the skeletal structure. Moreover, they prevent excess movement of the bones and joints. These prevent inflammation, damage and deformation of the bones and joints.

So, it’s essential that your body has a sufficient amount of muscles.

Take up exercises and diet that adds to your muscles.

Now, this doesn’t mean you bulk-up like a body-builder. You want to maintain an ideal BMI. Consult your nutritionist or any of the renowned orthopedic doctors in Kolkata for help you in this department.

3. Improve Your Diet

There are certain food items that are good for your bones and joints. And you want to add more of these foods to your daily meals.

Some of the foremost choices that strengthen bones and joints include salmon, yogurt, calcium-fortified cereal, broccoli, cheddar cheese, sardines, and dark leafy greens.

Again, before making any drastic change to your diet based on some article you read online, you want to consult a good doctor.

4. Invest In The Right Shoes

This might not look like a big deal but it makes a big difference given so many ankle injuries happen due to poorly-built and uncomfortable footwear.

So, you want to invest in good quality shoes that have a proper heel, quality sole, enough cushion and good support all around. A small investment like this one can help you steer clear of common sprains and fractures that usually stem from personal carelessness.

5. Be Careful When Moving

This goes without saying but it’s still something that must be reminded to all.

When walking, running and changing your posture, you want to be careful enough. Avoid any sudden movement and jerking. Keep your senses open to any pain and strain.

Even a small bit of care from your end can help you prevent bone and joint-related injuries.

Get Treated By The Right Doctor

In case, despite all the preventive measures, if you still get injured, it’s essential that you visit a good orthopedic doctor immediately. For instance, if you have sustained an ankle injury, find the best ankle specialist in Ultadanga. If you have injured your back, find the best spine specialist.

The right professional by your side can help diagnose the problem quickly and efficiently, and then prescribe proper treatment on time. Moreover, they can also help you save money by opening you to alternative treatments over straight-up going to something that is expensive.

But that said, the above-mentioned five tips are adequate to keep your bones and joints safe, strong and injury-free.



Everything You Should Know About Osteoarthritis

Everything You Should Know About Osteoarthritis

While rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disorder, osteoarthritis is a degenerative disorder where the flexible tissues (cartilage) in bones have been worn down. The majority of the elderlies usually suffer from osteoarthritis. Of course, you must get checked by a qualified professional for a proper diagnosis to know for sure; self-diagnosis isn’t easy since both share the same early symptoms like painful and stiff joints, inflammation, tenderness in the affected area and limited range of motion.

Causes of Osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis is caused by damage in joints, which progresses and grows bigger as one gets older. It depends on the extent of wear and tear as to when the person would start experiencing the first symptoms. Other causes of this degenerative disorder are dislocated joints, torn cartilage, and ligament injuries, which affect, in particular, the athletes and those who lead an active lifestyle.

There are five stages to classify the severity of osteoarthritis. Stage 0 represents a normal joint, while stage 4 means the problem is severe. Early diagnosis can make the biggest difference in controlling the risk factors and solving the symptoms.

Exception of physical examination, to diagnose osteoarthritis, your doctor would get your X-ray done. If the problem isn’t clear, you may even be asked to get MRI done. Further, you may even be asked for blood tests and joint fluid analysis as a way for final confirmation of the problem before the treatment starts.

Treating Osteoarthritis

Coming to the treatment of osteoarthritis, your doctor would likely write you some pain medications to ease the pain and relieve other symptoms that you may be experiencing. Next, depending on the severity, you may be asked to go for physical and occupational therapy, where professionals will work with you to strengthen the muscles around the joint and ease your symptoms by assisting daily changes in your life.

You would also be asked to make lifestyle changes. Like, you must do moderate exercise every day, you must work out to lose weight, you must get adequate daily sleep, you must fix your diet to incorporate foods that build bone strength and muscles. If you’re visiting one of the good orthopedic doctors in Dum Dum, you would be assisted throughout this process closely, making sure the necessary lifestyle changes come easy to you.

When Surgery Is Needed

If osteoarthritis is in the severe stage, as a last resort, you would be recommended surgical procedures like joint replacement and bone realignment. Again, these are the last options, commended only if your symptoms are severe and other treatments haven’t helped you adequately. For the surgical procedure, make sure you’re getting treated by the best knee replacement surgeon in Kestopur. The right professional by your side can make the surgery easier and efficient.

Osteoarthritis is treatable. You can live a normal and happy life even with this disorder. However, getting diagnosed early and following the right treatment plan are essential.



5 Tips to Beat Back Pain in 2020

Back pain isn’t pleasing. At times, it could get searing to a point that it’s actually affecting the different ends of your life.

If you’re experiencing any serious back pain, you must head straight to the best spine surgeon in Lake Town, Kolkata, and have a professional look at it.

That aside, if the pain is very mild, there are plenty of things you can do to fix that.

Here are five tips to have a healthier spine in 2020:

1. Invest in a good chair and mattress

Often, the biggest reason behind back pain is poor posture when you sit and sleep. So, this is the first step you should take.

Give your mattress a hard look. Is the foam cushiony or is it hard? Does it need a replacement?

Then look at the chair where you sit and spend most of your time. Is your office chair in good condition? Does it have proper back support? Is it comfortable?

If your mattress or chair is in bad shape, make a small investment in getting them replaced.

2. Say goodbye to your sedentary lifestyle

It’s no secret that a sedentary lifestyle is the most fundamental reason behind some of the big health problems. It also includes back pain.

Insufficient physical activity weakens the bone, which makes it tasking for the spine to carry your upper-body weight.

Moreover, an unfit body, even with minor wear-tear, experiences higher inflammation and pain. This means even a small back injury or tear causes a higher level of pain.

So, if you don’t get involved even in the basic physical activities, in 2020, you want to change that.

Get more active; walk more, run, and go to the gym on alternate days if possible.

This would not only fix your back pain but also impact every aspect of your life.

3. Consider getting massage

Sometimes just a simple massage can bring a big relief, loosening the muscle knots and easing on the pressure.

So, find a good parlor in your city and get a massage from a qualified masseuse.

4. Improve your diet

What you eat has a direct impact on the strength of your bones and muscles. An unhealthy diet, in mix with a sedentary lifestyle, is an ultimate killer.

And there’s a good chance that this is the same reason behind your back pain.

So, audit your daily meals. How do they look? Are you consuming too much of unhealthy foods? If so, make adjustments in your diet.

There are a few food items that are really good for bones. It includes eggs, yogurt, cheese, milk, sardines, salmon, tuna, spinach, collard greens, orange, and calcium-set tofu.

Add more of these items to your diet.

5. Visit a good orthopedic doctor

At times, making lifestyle changes may not ease your back pain. In a situation like this, instead of hoping and bearing the pain, it’s a good idea that you approach a good orthopedic doctor.

One of the biggest reasons why many people don’t want to visit doctors is that they fear they would be diagnosed with something serious.

Understand that in the majority of cases, the cause behind back pain isn’t anything serious. Your doctor won’t send you to best hip replacement surgeon in Kolkata. She/he won’t diagnose anything serious.

Usually, you would be given medicine, some ointment, and advice on dos and don’ts. So, don’t delay visiting an orthopedic doctor if your back pain isn’t going away or is severe.


These are five simple tips that will help you keep your spine in a healthy condition in 2020.

Lingering back pain can really obstruct day-to-day life. Make changes in your lifestyle and visit a good doctor before your mild pain becomes severe.
