
Is Knee Replacement Surgery A Good Choice for Your Parent?

9.6 percent of men and 18 percent of women, worldwide, above the age of 60, have symptomatic osteoarthritis. 80 percent of those affected experience limitations in movement. And 24 percent of them fail to perform major daily activities.

So, if your parents are past 60 years, it won’t be surprising that they have this degenerative joint disease. More so the parents in India, majority of who are unlikely to take proper care of their joints, muscles and overall health.

The question now comes…

Is knee replacement surgery a good choice for your parent?

The answer isn’t simple. Even if they are experiencing the symptoms of osteoarthritis, knee replacement surgery might not necessarily be a go-to option.

Before reaching any conclusion, you must consult a top orthopedic doctor in Kolkata.

Identify The Symptoms of Osteoarthritis

It’s not difficult to self-diagnose osteoarthritis. The symptoms are quite common and evident. It includes…

  • Pain in joints during and after any movement.
  • Loss of flexibility, leading to the limitation in the range of motions.
  • Due to soft tissue inflammation, there could be occasional swelling.
  • The joints become too tender even on light touch.
  • Stiffness after a period of rest or inactivity.
  • Occasional sound of popping or cracking.

Of course, there are several other symptoms of osteoarthritis; it varies between individuals. And most importantly, not all of them might be present in every case.

It Requires Grade IV Osteoarthritis

Even when all these symptoms are present in any of your parents, they might not necessarily require knee replacement surgery.

The invasive treatment is done only in grade IV osteoarthritis; and, depending on the condition, occasionally in grade III cases. The surgery is NOT done in grade I and grade II arthritis, which can, and should first, be treated with alternative (and non-invasive) methods.

So, before self-concluding that your parents do require knee replacement surgery because they are seeing symptoms of osteoarthritis, you must consult a good doctor first. Visit any orthopedic surgeon in Kestopur, Kolkata.

If the doctor says they require the surgery, they would usually lay out a plan for you, providing all the information that you and your parents should know.

Remember, not all osteoarthritis cases require surgery. But if left untreated and uncared in the initial stage, they would inevitably demand knee replacement surgery. So, if your parents experience joint pain, take them to a top orthopedic doctor in Kolkata today.


First Aid for Fractures: How to Deal With Broken Bones?

The best orthopedic surgeon in Bangur that you’re consulting would make the final (and right) call. However, there are still a few things you can do to save yourself from expensive surgeries and still fix your broken bones. The basic first aid measures for fractures can take you a long way, preventing any further damage and ensuring timely care. Here are three tips to help you:

Don’t Get A Fracture

There are a few types of fractures that essentially require surgery. Like, a broken bone in your spinal cord. You can’t cast it. It requires immediate, invasive treatment. So, if you want to avoid all kinds of surgeries and pain, you, evidently, shouldn’t get fractured in the first place. Be careful of your movements. Do not rush anywhere. Eat right and lead a healthy life. Take all the necessary precautions.

Is It Really A Fracture?

Sometimes it’s easy to mistake a basic injury as a fracture. So, before you get into the panic mode, understand if there’s really a broken bone in the first place or not. Some of the symptoms include intense pain that gets worse, numbness and swelling, a visible deformity, bleeding at the injury site, and bone sticking out of the skin.

Take First Aid Steps

Once you have established that it’s really a fracture, you must take the basic first aid steps (and ask others around you to help you).

  • Get Immobile: Do not move the injured area. Keep it still. The more you will move it, the more it will pain. And the wound will be damaged further. Get it in a relaxed position as quickly as possible.
  • Don’t Panic: Of course, this is easier said than done BUT do not panic. It may trigger your movements. Or, it can even make you unconscious. Take deep breaths. Drink water.
  • Stop Bleeding: If there’s any bleeding, stop it. Apply gentle pressure on it using a clean piece of clothing. If you have anyone around you, ask her/him for help.
  • Put on Some Ice: Apply ice on the wound. This will ease the pain. Do not put the cold directly on the wound though. Wrap the ice in the bag first before applying.
  • Call Professionals: Dial the emergency number and seek medical help. Call the ambulance if needed and visit the emergency room immediately if the pain is unbearable.

These are a few things you should when you’ve broken your bones. Proper first aid and timely treatment can save you from costly surgeries.

What If You Require Surgery?

Many types of fractures can be fixed with plaster. However, there are a few types that, as mentioned above, do require surgeries to restore optimal alignment and function of the bone. If your orthopedic doctor has made that call, you should definitely opt for elective surgery in a timely way.

Understand, today, surgeries aren’t as big of a thing as they were once. With so much advancement in technology, the process is much easier, efficient and quicker. To that, if you have found the right clinic, such surgical treatments don’t even cost much.


After you’ve received the treatment, aftercare is just as essential. Any minor lapse can make things worse. So, take all the deterrent measures. Consult the best bone doctor in Kolkata regularly to ensure a smooth recovery. Fractures can put a serious pause in life. But knowing how to deal with them can ease the entire process, bringing you back on track quickly.