
How To Treat Your Kid’s Ligament Injury (Fast and) The Right Way?

You can’t watch them all the time. Kids will fall, trip, tackle and get injured. This is more common for those who are into sports. They will twist their ankle and tear their ligaments. As a parent, instead of stopping them from going out, playing and enjoying their young days, you’re tasked to have contingency plans – to know exactly what needs to be done if your kids sustain any ligament injury, to know how to help them recover fast and the right way. If it is a serious injury and needs ligament surgery, then a specialist can guide in the best possible way.

In that context, here are three tips on how to treat your kids’ ligament injury:

1.Teach your kids

Yes, it’s cliché! But understand that prevention is indeed better than cure.

Teach your kids how to prevent injuries. How, during play, they should avoid unnecessary tackles and rogue moves. And, most importantly, teach them what they should do the moment they suspect any difficulty in their joints. Many of them brush off such injuries and continue the game/practice, which worsens the situation. Teach them to identify the signs, get alert on the pain or discomfort, stop wherever they are and seek help from people around them.

2.Visit a pediatric orthopedic surgeon or clinician

Don’t take your child to the general physician. Instead, visit a qualified pediatrician or best ankle specialist in Ultadanga, Kolkata; someone who specializes in kids’ bone and joint injuries. Of course, if you don’t know any such specialist already, do your research. Knowing a good orthopedic doctor from ahead can save you the time and hassle of searching for one when you need her/him.

A good pediatric orthopedic surgeon or clinician would check the ligament injury thoroughly, do the necessary tests and provide a fitting course of action for the recovery.

3.Entertain them while they rest

Recovering from a torn ligament or any other bone and joint-related injury includes a lot of resting. The key is to avoid any strain on the joints. The more a person rests, quicker will be the healing process.

Now, of course, getting kids to rest is a gigantic task. They would want to move, run around and play even with the injury. As a parent, you must tackle it smartly. Entertain them, control them the right way, hold them responsible, and just make sure they are comfortable. (This may even mean bribing them to rest and giving in to their demands for a new video game!) Depending on injury type, they may need complete rest. And that’s what you should make sure they get.


These are three basic tips on how, as a parent, you can treat ligament injuries of your kids. Indeed, the process and challenges might not be this simple. The injury could be big; there could be complications; the recovery period could be longer. It’s important that you act smartly and work very closely with your pediatric orthopedic doctor.
