
Your Knees Are Getting Weaker (And It’s A Big Problem)

When you’re young, you might not even notice it. You’re feeling good; there’s no discomfort of any kind. But as you grow older, it is then the health-related problems start surfacing. In that, your knees may feel okay right now, but they might be getting weaker. And it’s a big problem that you will struggle with in the latter part of life; it will affect your mobility and overall lifestyle. So, it’s important that you start taking better care of your knee – and general orthopedic health – as early in life as you can. To do that, it helps to know what could be weakening and damaging your knees in the first place. Here are 5 five ways your knees are getting weaker:

1. Lack of Physical Activities-

Sedentary lifestyle is a big enemy to orthopedic health. If you’re not moving enough, your knees – and muscles around the knees – will be conditioned poorly; they will be weaker; they will be more prone to injuries. To strengthen your knee, you must get involved in more physical activities.

2. Over-Exercising-

There are people who don’t do any physical activity, and then there are those who overdo it. Yes, exercising is great. But it ought to be systematically progressive and based on your body’s need. If you’re suddenly over-exerting your knee with a high-intensity workout, it will cause strains and possible injuries.

3. Regular Knee Injuries-

Knee injuries are common. But if you’re sustaining them regularly, that itself is a sign of some underlying problem. Further, frequent injuries will wear out your knee and muscles around it, which will inevitably affect you in the long-run as your body gets into the 50s and 60s.


4. Being Overweight-

Being overweight adds a lot of pressure on the knee that, over a sustained period, wears down the joints and destroy protective cartilage. It is, in fact, a big cause of osteoarthritis. So, if you have extra pounds, you might want to shed them away. Start working out and eat healthy; it’s important for your knees but, above all, it’s important for your general health and well being.

5. Overlooking The Pain-

Many people experience regular knee pain and discomfort, and they ignore this. While the pain may leave in a day or two, the underlying reason might not. Ignoring it can be a big mistake. If you’re one of them, ideally, you should connect with best knee replacement surgeon in India for consultation. Work with them to find out the reason behind pain; seek proper treatment thereon.


Of course, there are several other factors that may be weakening your knees, like a poor diet doesn’t include enough vitamin D and calcium.

Again, these things might not necessarily look like a big deal at present. But as you grow older, you will start noticing numerous orthopedic problems, including weakened knees that hurt and injure often. So, start taking proper measures starting today. Small steps like walking more, wearing right shoes to avoid injury, and vising orthopedic doctor Kolkata whenever you’re experiencing pain can make all the difference.

